Instagram / FB Verification Service + PR Service (Also includes Pre-verified Instagram accounts for sale which can be re-branded for personal or business use)


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We offer verification services for our clients for Instagram and Facebook and from January 2020 TikTok verification. We have been offering the service for many years and have worked with 100s of well-known people, influencers, public figures, musicians, models, actors etc!

Full services offered:

Instagram and Facebook verification
Username Claims
PR and Exposure
Username changes on a verified account
Pre-verified Instagram Accounts
Tiktok Verification
Snapchat Verification
Account Takedowns (for copyright or impersonations)
Recovering hacked accounts

Budget required will need to be strong. Pricing is £5k to £25k depending on the service interested in! DM for further info!

Less than 1% of accounts on Instagram and Facebook are approved for verification as the requirements are strict and most who apply themselves get denied -hence why even many well-known public figures come to us for assistance. The criteria needed includes having many news articles about you in google - generally at the very least 8 to 10 strong articles in the recent google news tab, articles in English and full featured articles. Being verified already on other social channels like Facebook or Twitter also helps. Having a wikipedia page also helps too. The number of followers an account is a minor part in the criteria and we have verified accounts previously with very low number of followers but a high number of news articles and strong online presence is what matters most.

Only a few companies like ours can actually deliver hence why the budget required will need to be strong as we can only take on a few eligible clients each month due to the rarity and time needed for the service.

We also have already verified Instagram accounts with a username change option available for sale too for those with a strong budget looking to save time. We only get a few each month of these

​In this day and age, standing out is key and having a verified account gives you access to things you would not have thought possible such as networking, business opportunities, raising investment, event invites, dating, online authority and organic follower growth.

​The best accounts to verify nonetheless are ones of public figures, influencers, musicians, models, athletes, journalists, celebrities and well-known entrepreneurs or business people. The more press articles you have about yourself and the stronger your online presence, the higher chance they have.

Pricing for verification varies and will require a strong budget.The process takes time and is resource intensive from our team. We can only take on a few clients each month for our package so only get in touch if you are a serious potential client.


We can help build your online presence via our new tailored PR package -personal branding and being verified is crucial in this day and age.

Please DM me your account URL and articles you currently have!


Thread approved. Good luck with the sales.


Many thanks! : )

Taking new orders!

Do you do twitter or have contacts at twitter?

Twitter is possible but criteria is strict i.e you need to be verified on Instagram or Facebook already and preferably be a creator, musician or well-known public figure. It takes 4 to 8 weeks at present to complete.

We are mainly offering Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok or Snapchat verifications!

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Taking new orders!

You can send me information on IG verification? Thanks

Would like to get them aswell please

Sure - DM me!


I would like pricing for pre-verified accounts please

Taking new orders -DM!!

Do you have PR packages for Artists. I manage hiphop, rnb and indie artists.

yes we do - we work with a lot of artists - feel free to message me!!!


hi would you be able to recover banned tiktok (banned due to multiple community guidlines violation) 500k page please let me know the price

DM -would depend on the facts of the case!!!

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@Alex11 Could you send me some pricing? We’re an agency and focus substantially on personal brand management. Would be interesting to see what you offer.

replied to you!!!

DM if interested in ordering!!!

send me pm of prices for everything you sell - looking to resell bro