Instagram Follow Block - Mega Thread - Level 1 [SERIOUS]

It is still down?

You did this on jarvee? Changing ps password?

I had like 12k actions. So I have like 19 more days until I can follow again? Just gotta wait this out I think…

no one is sure that this theory is true yet.

Changed password and reset device ID restored the account… but it wasn’t blocked, it got that “you shared your password with a 3rd party app and must change your password to continue using Instagram” warning.

I don’t think anyone outside of FB knows for sure if there is some form of validation via the app.

As far as I understood the paper cited by @kripke automation services creates api calls that are reverse engeneered to look like it is from the app to begin with.

Of course they can change their api, but then they’re just creating a costly cat and mouse game.

So setting a limit would rarely effect real users, be very easy and it is very effective for punishing automation.


12k follows over the last 30 days or 12k actions overall?

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found a working old account still able to follow , here’s a graph by months
very interesting

Do you really think it’s still a theory !


nothing interesting here. plus, you are showing stats from march-april and you are still able to follow after block, which is totally Not in todays situation. seems you got a normal block. Stop forcing this theory

But you changed using jarvee or with your cellphone?

What about the account that’s already stopped?
Don’t you have a good guide?

i rather share info’s than shut up and leech i know too many people just wanna get information’s without sharing anything ,also there’s absolutely ones that wishes some info’s never got out,seen those on a lot of forums so there’s that buddy

hw about you try to prove me wrong with sharing your own stats too xD

You shared no info on the subject. All you showed is that you got blocked for a little bit several months ago. Indeed are there people searching info on forums and what they find is posts like this which has nothing related except for forcing theory which may/or may not be the case. Yet still your block several months ago have nothing related to it. so there’s that buddy.

“Do you really think it’s still a theory !” sounds like a good banner for public meetings :)))

you shared nothing interesting till this moment share some graphs . :)) to prove this theory wrong

Running 150+ client accounts on a monthly basis. Had 75% on follow action blocks (mostly since June 4 end of day). Went ahead and checked the 6000/30 day theory and turns out this has been the limit for all of the accounts as I test them one by one based on their 30 day follow numbers. However, the odd old account which a lot of activity is okay and still running at 10K plus follows per month. Just wanted to provide some findings on my end.

Was running Approximately 300-400 follows per day on majority of the accounts, this has now been turned down to 200 follows over a period of a day with 6 hour nightmode enabled.

Using; Jarvee
Dedicated Private Proxy at 1 account per proxy

This is just a tested theory on my end - there seems to be more to it then just the limit of follows over a period of a month such as amount of activity, behaviour of account, etc.


EDIT: Should also note that majority of accounts are logged into 2 locations (our server + client’s phone). Clients are free to use account to post, like, comment, and follow a LIMITED number of accounts per day outside of the activity timeframe of Jarvee.

Also, 1 account has been action blocked since May 12 but this may just be an anomaly because of account misuse.


thanks for sharing this with us ,very interesting.

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AND this follow blocks does not explain why Instagram itself working like ****

The account only lives in Jarvee, so that is where I changed it. I don’t have it on a mobile phone and never have.

One big question for me is, if the limit is 6000/month, or 200/day, is it worth it to use F/UF through automation?

Or are other methods more practical at that point?

Because 200 follows per day is really low.

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200 is well enough. As long as you have good sources, yes the amount of followers gained per day will be lower than before- but think about it, you should be yielding AT LEAST 50 followers per day with 200 follows.

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