One more in 6k adept family… From what you are writing, you did not even read half on the subject.
Maybe all you 6k disciples will make a different topic, where you can enjoy yourself there.
Absolutely ZERO help from your adjusted information to suit your theory. So funny to read how you just ignore ALL the info proving your theory is WRONG, funnier only to read things like this - account dropped below the 6k follows over 30 days threshold two days ago but still cant follow - which you interpretate AGAIN to suit your theory.
The fact you are writing “this is the best we have now” does not make it that way. It is the best YOU have, the one simple and basic thing you can understand, cause clearly most of you don’t even know how softs are working on very basic lvl or even what is going on with INST and FB for the pas week.
I don’t mean to be rude or anything, but clearly your panic and forcing the theory which clearly can be false, do not make any good for the resolving of the problem.
I guess thats me talking about 6k theory
@ja_son makes a good point as far as split testing goes. The 6k/30 could be a limitation put in place for just some of the accounts and they may have many other limitations put in place for others. (Please notice I said “could be” and “may”) none of us know for sure. What I am here to do is share what worked for me on each of my accounts as a lot of other on here is doing as well.
I don’t think so. Tell him to see if the number of follows changes and if he can see the person followed in his following. I bet he can’t. That’s my case. The person is not really followed. Very strange thing.
Good thing is that one week is rounding up, so soon we will have some legit information and stats.
But as I was saying this just may be the problem with the request softs or instagrams itself do to perform actions from a technical stand point. They update something last week, messed up - this explains why Instagram can not upload a page even on the Internet Browser (chrome, opera, etc.) for some days and the filtering working very slow, also the official API stats were preatty bad.
This really may be the problem of them trying to get rid of fake followers. In Russia we call them bots, but i guess here by bots you understand automation actions from softs. So I guess the right word is Fakes for this ?
It’s very possible and kind of obvious that they wanted to release a string up updates that would limit automated actions and it went south. Any update of that magnitude would create ripples in the system.
Lets keep sharing our data and see where it takes us. Your right, week one is almost at an end.
Exactly, I understand that it is better to have any theory than any, but half of the people who believe in this theory, especially believe in it because they want it to be good, are afraid that they will lose easy earnings.
After all, you only enter the jarvee and have a whole month of leave.
Ahh sad
Also somewhere here a colleague wrote above, if they give limitations to everyone not randomly.
i think you have To spent some time reading around the Subject!
Me personally i respect your opinion and I’m not against you nether with you!
If you disagree with them share screenshots to prove them wrong
and Tbh follow blocks in general are not attached to a certain amount of follows you can get it on different situations ,Most of us stated 6k theory because most accounts that did get hit did +6k in the last 30 days
I do disagree with the idea of getting Unblocked when dropping bellow 6k/30 days
But a lot of people claim they have been able to follow again after dropping bellow it
and they support there claims with screenshots!
No One Knows when the blocks Will be Lifted That i can tell You!
I will be honest. I thought the 6000 rule sounded like nonsense but I have just done some analysis on my acounts and have had one of them drop under 6000 over the weekend.
It is now running without a block on some super conservative settings…
All my other accounts are still blocked with some over 13000 follows in 30 days and a few which will drop below the 6000 in the next 3 days.
Today, users from the telegram group.
Groups that support each other (likes, comments)
I write a lot of people that they have locks for likes and comments.
Also interesting, and people do not use the “bot”.
I have a few more accounts that will be dropping below in the next few days so I will keep everyone posted. Thanks again everyone. Your input is HIGHLY respected and appreciated.
Let me say in another words, maybe then you will understand what I am talking about.
The Main thing instagram want to change is get rid of Fakes - followers who were bought and services/softs that are doing follow-for-follow (likes, comments). You got what I mean ?
So. to keep it simple in my words, Inst just marked all accounts which did many actions as Fakes and banned Follow for some time for people to log out the accounts from this services and chats follow-for-follow (likes, comments).