Instagram Follow Block - Mega Thread - Level 1 [SERIOUS]

I hope you are right. But there is also option that we wont have any client neither :smiley:

Nahh, in the worst scenario, you Will only be able to automate their posting. It’s something haha

But to be honest, I’m learning FBads, just in case xD

I’m curious how much of FB ADS you can attract observers for the lowest amount possible

another regular IG account in my timeline complaining about being follow blocked even though she doesn’t bot and never has :man_shrugging::man_facepalming:

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Me too, that’s why I am still learning haha. One of my friends got his Facebook account to 50k fans paying only 50$ in fbads


Hate to say it but we can’t discount a lot of people might be embarrassed feeling like they’ve been exposed as using follower boosting methods and are trying to save face by passing it off as an Insta bug. I wouldn’t count on the follow blocks being so random.

Running a background check on this account you mention, for example, shows: “Massfollowing patterns detected on followings graph, audience might be inauthentic.”


Some1 knows if with that automatic follow/unfollow, Jarvee will only unfollow people that jarvee followed? I am scared if I put unfollow till 500 for example, the software will unfollow any1 just to get to that 500, doesnt matter if it was followed by jarvee or not.
Some1 that actually do this type of unfollow that can tell me please

From reddit, if real, this may shine more light on Instagram’s motivations and where they see themselves heading with this.

They want all the pie, not just a slice.


This guy has a good point.

This is really scummy shit from IG, we could start spamming this everywhere, I think we could get people to condemn this money hungry growth limiting behavior.

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Let’s be optimistc! I’m sure that is something temporal!

And if they keep banning or deleting accounts, great handles will be unblocked!

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Nope, you don’t have to Worry about that. If jarvee can’t find anyone else to unfollow, the tool will be stopped. You have to un select one option, though (unfollow users not followed by jarvee, or something like that)

well, 5PM in Los Angeles right now and so far HQ up in Menlo Park hasn’t done shit to fix to this, to the point where there’s a petition going around twitter right now if you want to voice your concern — although I don’t think anyone is listening, but who knows.

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Wow this is pure greed

I Signed the Petition ,I really still feel bad for all the people that got to face this disaster too specially the ones that quit!
Feels Bad man ,But gotta remember that we gotta fight for it No matter what happened Just stick to it find a way around! some people never Get it

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Hey everyone, been following this thread for a few days now and just want to say I DO NOT use bots and have been follow banned for 6 days now. Extremely frustrating , losing followers, and have no idea when I will get my ban lifted…


Hmm! how many follows were you doing per day

Hi, today I started (for testing) about 35 follow blocked accounts and one that followed 17285 users during may 4th - june 4th period started following without being blocked. All of the others continue with the issue. Cant find any relation to this unique account …


thanks for sharing this data with us ,Finally Some Light! Great to know that it was only a temp Blocks and lifted now ,seen some people on private discord channel claiming that they are able to follow again but they didn’t share any Screenshots!


Good news, maybe some bans will begin to be lifted soon. We can only hope!