Instagram Follow Block - Mega Thread - Level 1 [SERIOUS]

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Hello. I’m having an action block on my profile while I’m 14,5K follower user for more than 15 days now. Any ideas about how long is it going to be blocked? Please help me,
Thanks in advance

How is everyone’s accounts doing that got unblocked? I have two that have been blocked for over 30 days, and about 25% blocked still from June 4th, and just in the last 1-2 days I’ve had 11 accounts open back up. I’ve started then very slow. 2 immediately got reblocked after a few follows, the other 9 have been good for a few days now. I did have two newer accounts get blocked though they’ve only followed 100 per day with no more than 12 in any hour followed.


you are not alone I am still blocked from day 4

It’s not good, handed back the keys to the new range rover and might have to get a proper job. :slightly_frowning_face:



13 chars yeah

how many did you follow in the last 30 days

blocked here since 4th all accounts i managed none unblocked yet, been doing 800-900 follow actions per day for months… but now this with follow block ruined my reputation with clients and i lost some of them. i hope at least that instagram unblock follow tool so they can continue to use accounts normally… will be doing MS method with some partners from here, i think its big risk to continue anything directly from clients accounts.


Yeah, I’m not too optimistic anymore. I’m thinking more and more it may be the end to any type of automated following and even any type of semi aggressive or consistent manual following.

Has anyone had accounts unblocked and followed 100+ per day for more than a week and stayed unblocked?

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Yes. Defenetly not the end

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don’t worry my friend the account will unblock in a few days
i have alots of accounts getting unblocked every day that passed
it all related to the amounts of follow you do in the passed 30 days
for now its looks that the 6000/30 theory is right
you need to look on your total amount of follow you do in 30 days
when you get to 5500 - 6000 you get unlocked


So far it’s working ok for me. Left for a week to settle and now currently following up to 190 a day after a block. Started slowly 25-50 and increased by 25 per day. Also moved onto a mobile proxy and only following around 12.5 per hour


It’s client management accs?

As of yesterday I have all my accounts back up and running properly again, but with 200 max follows per day. I previously had 6 accounts blocked for a while. It’s nice to have things working for once…praying it lasts.

Are those accounts blocked from June 4? And are they on mobile proxies now following 200/day?

Mixture of the 8th/9th May and June 4th. No, I am actually not using any mobile proxies. I use HighProxies Instagram proxies geo-located in Australia. Have not had any issues with these at all.

I think I did more than 800. Around 1000 I think.