Instagram likes, where can I buy some that are not detected

I need around 2000 likes a day, better from real ppl.

SMMPanel tried it once worked well for me but not a solution for longterm or branding

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I think you either join a Like2Like group or buy some shoutout. I never find a service that sells likes from real people.

how much would people pay for real likes ? theres got to be a market for this

Paying for real likes would make them not real. Maybe you meant quality likes?

no lol i meant real active likes not BOTTED

Better to get them following you … and liking your stuff.

try posting great content into good followers. thats your best option.

there are no “good likes” you can buy. The way instagram works right now this does not exist. All the likes you can buy may harm your account.

The only way you can “buy real likes” is to pay for ig ads

I know but that what the customer wants…

I have many customers who only care about the number of likes and not the quality