Instagram post impressions

about post impressions,what does From Other mean?
How to increase

Congrats on your reach 75% Impressions from “Other”?

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Impressions from other include:

Shares (your post/video has been shared in direct messages or outside the Instagram app)
Saves (your post/video has been saved in the Instagram app to be viewed later)
Tags (posts/videos from other Instagram users, who tagged you)
Mentions (posts from other Instagram users, who mentioned you in the caption)
Notifications (your posts/videos that show up in the “FOLLOWING” tab in the notifications)

Good response. To get more impression on Instagram, you make a unique post. Upload high quality image and videos. Post daily one or two post.

that and your missing one key and most important part. It MUST be what they like.

Right! I’ve seen high quality images bomb because people aren’t interested. And I’ve seen low res images (of content people actually want to see) perform well.

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