So, after tinkering with my spintax set for IG comments, I reached an absolutely ridiculous amount of variations According to, I reached:
one undecillion, five hundred sixty-eight decillion, five hundred twenty nonillion, three hundred fifty-six octillion, nine hundred forty septillion, nine hundred seventy-one sextillion, five hundred quintillion variations lol.
How high have some of you gotten with your spintax sets?
EDIT: This is one modular spintax set that can generate many different types of comments based on the probability of the individual modules.
EDIT 2: With a minor alteration, I just got to ten undecillion, two hundred eighty-four decillion, six hundred ninety-three nonillion, seven hundred forty-one octillion, four hundred sixty-five septillion, three hundred fifty-four sextillion variations lmao
EDIT 3: That’s 1.0284693741465354e+37 variations, for those who prefer it written that way.
lol I just included the scientific notation for the second number, but you really only need to read the first number or two out to get an idea of how insane the variation count is
@pow I realize that–I did write a guide on it, after all. I just made almost everything variable and included a rare chance of “mistakes”
All of the comments are realistic and organic. I used a module-based spintax set that assigns probabilities of certain components appearing in a comment and it has worked extremely well so far
@Said I’ve been doing between 45-110, and haven’t gotten in any trouble on any of my accounts for that high a number. I just try to assign a large amount of variability, as it would be in real life
I plan out the basic modules I want, and expand from there. After that, my most useful tool is a thesaurus, followed by a slang thesaurus. I don’t like looking at other people’s stuff for inspiration because I feel it limits my end-result.
Here’s the example of how I planned out a (very) basic spintax set (taken from my guide):
Writing Modular Spintax
To write a modular spintax set, you need to consider what components (or modules) you want your comments to be made up of. A good way to do this is to write out what you consider to be a good comment. Here’s an example that would lead to a similar set to the modular spintax example above:
Hey John! Great picture!
After deciding what kind of comment structure works for you, the next step would be to separate them into modules:
Module 1: Emoji (up to 2)
Module 2: Adjective + Noun
Module 3: Emoji (up to 2)
Then, you would create the spintax sets and set probability distributions according to your preferences.
You can either make a simple set of modules and expand from there, or you can plan out a large set of modules; up to you