Is jarvee working fine now?

Main issue is once you get captcha, more captcha comes. WIth clients you have to deal with this, but slaves I suggest just deleting and getting new ones. Pain in the ass.

Api seems to be fine also. I was also having issues with scrapers but think its also a proxy issue and am in the midst of changing. Am doing 150+ follows also. (My normal account and proxy supplier quit and was testing expensive 4g proxies but they are not good).

You might want to look at your scraping technique & rebuild it. Iā€™ve set mine to 300 calls per day. I loose < 1% scrapers/month. (Running 750 scrapers).

No. Just use contextual actions correctly, and change the limits and you wonā€™t get any more captcha

Weā€™ve tried many different settings including Contextual actions. Still lots of Captcha, PV.

In fact, before the IG update all Captchas were passing. Now it looks like 10% are getting 24 hour Review with High Quality numbers.

So we are finally after 2-3 years ditching Jarvee almost completely and have switched to real mobile phones, no more PVā€™s working great :grinning:

But I would be interested that you say itā€™s working. API following from context only box ticked or not ticked?

100% agree, we dont have also issues running over 250 phones

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Is your real phone setup manual or automated?

Fully automated process

How can I get going on this setup? I lost over 75% of my clients due to jarvee

Do you use a mobile testing software like Appium? Have you tried running the same on an emulated instance?

Mind sharing the contextual settings for follows?

There are issues with mobile phones too and some downsides. For now it holds better than JV but you just canā€™t completely avoid all block and problems. It depend much on account trust and actions you doing.

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Mate, you are an absolute hero able to use the software for the last two years, I have no longer used them since 2019

Seems to be running ok atm. If you have a working system donā€™t post what you are doing on the public thread. Thatā€™s how you get mass captcha.


anyone have problems with ā€œno more sources fround?ā€ have over 50 but still only doing half the actions cuz it takes 5 years to search for someone.

Literally only filter I have on now is have profile picture

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Adjust your scraper settings. Itl go away. New api uses a lot more calls.


Are you using scrape with embedded browser where possible on your scrapers?

Jarvee works fine so long as youā€™re using 4G mobile proxies and performing actions within safe limits.

Max 150 follows/unfollow per day for a little while before you can scale up to 200 of each per day.

Something that is becoming increasingly important to rise above the noise of all of the other pages that are doing the same thing, and achieve a higher follow back ratio is to really focus on the layout and quality of your posts on your main page.

You need to remove all bias and be super critical of your page and how it can be improved to entice more to follow

I would even say that 150 follows/unfollows is a bit too much for starters. Go with 30-40 a day for the first couple of weeks, till your accounts is warmed up.

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Small question: are you running all of these accounts on Server or on your own PC?
I am running 150 scrapers and my PC is super slow hahah

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You will need a server. Preferably dedicated. Normal computers canā€™t handle the big output jarvee uses.