Is that really true?

it still is a very powerful growth tool on insta – it pushed one of my accounts past 500 a day and is shown on 3 spots on explore. it is a shame few use it. which makes me think – if the vast majority don’t use it over there – why would they want to be over at tiktok?

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To be fair, the least people use it, the more exposure we get on those prime spots.
Thankfully most people prefer to argue how it didn’t work instead of putting the effort :upside_down_face:


i agree – I been pushing others to use it and they say ‘how’.
My main agrugment with garyvee is

TikTok is a video platform. A great percentage can post pictures – a smaller. way smaller percentage will post videos. It is not for everyone Gary – stop saying it is. One thing that cannot be denied… it is a major player even now as we speak.


Thank you for this complete answere. It makes sense.

Also your statement here is true. In here we got alot of people just denying things without testing it themselfs.

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Gary has money and influence. That said, what he does on Instagram is not bad. Throw enough crap at a wall, some of it will stick.

That is what he does. Post enough times each day, and engage 80+ times per day, some of it will return results.

Is that the best way? No, but it works.