Is this the answer to IG HQ Accounts?

Hello Guys,

I’m writing a new topic about cookies and how implement them for grow naturally child accounts.

For these you need to install a chrome extension that could check if a website has got Facebook Pixel.

Facebook Pixels are the one that detect and track you activity for Facebook Advertising Engagement such us click, search, add to cart, subscibtions, etc.

Hope to be hopeful for this community that bring me a lot of help.


happily looking forward to read it :ok_hand:

So ur telling me . Someone with a phone who has so happened to never used the phone browser because maybe they don’t like using the browser on the phone so they never turn it on. Only use facebook . Facebook will ban them for being fake?

That doesn’t make sense at all.

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I am really getting confused here with those profile pictures :dancing_women:
This would also apply to all who just register on a new phone via browser.

From the 3 steps you gave, you only need 1 of them to create high quality accounts, which is the first one: creating them via Instagram application.


New topic is here, please get a look and like if you’re find it interesting :slight_smile: