✪JARVEE actions per hour/day calculator✪

Yeahhhh…don’t think there’s a unblocking service if you flag your heart becuase of coke but but but

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Thank you for this amazing tool.
This couldn’t be more on time for me.
You’re doing a great service to all of us! :+1:

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Thanks for sharing this

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LOVELY! extremely usefull

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Thank you for sharing, really helpful

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No problem. It was very nice of @delagarde to upgrade the calculator and allow me to post it here for everyone.

Appreciate this post for sure!

Thank you! This is just what i really need!

This is great.

I have not digged enough on the table yet, but when applying for jarvee I should consider the like afterfollow into these sheet? I’m currently on a .75% chance of like after follow, 1-2 posts. I should avarage thar an throw on the formula to consider staying in the safe zone?

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Yes, always calculate that, you want to be under 60 per hour


This calc is sweet can’t believe I just read this post, much thanks!! :v::v:

Exactly what I needed! Thanks a lot OP!! :heart:

Thanks guys! I appreciate this golden nugget

In “Directions” tab, you say, per IG, you can do
" 60 follow OR unfollow actions in an hour, but not both. That would equal 120 in an hour"

However, the cells only go red when either the follows number or unfollow number go above the limit, and not the combined total of both.
Is there an error somewhere?

It’s a free, easily editable tool that is designed to give you a rough estimate.

When he redesigned it I think he had in mind that people would add them up since it’s common sense.

Thanks - hopefully people have realised this.

From what I understand, another way to avoid passing the limits:

  • Put the maximum of hourly follow and unfollow limits both at 30 or less in Jarvee to never surpass 60
    -Put the maximum of daily follow and unfollow limits both at 720 or less in Jarvee to never surpass 1440 (although this is already covered with the hourly setting, as 30x24=720)

Link is not working for me! it shows me the site can’t be reached.

Legendary tool for Jarvee starters!

Does anyone here have a calculator for stories or do you use the likes tab in @delagarde and @wortime calculator? thanks guys n gals

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