✪JARVEE actions per hour/day calculator✪

In my calculator that you can find in the level 2 thread there where always separate tabs for different tools. Although I haven’t updated it in a while and the tools change sometimes, you can always find a tab that corresponds and has the same timing options as the tool you want in MP.

After reading this I just realized my current settings on automation are “ridiculous”. I better go and change them before, I get that sweet ban.

Awesome share, Thanks a lot for this info.

Is this still relevant? Looks great, just curious with IG’s latest updates if it’s still good or not.

Limits have changed but I believe the relationships should still be proportionally ok.

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I should give it a try tonight :slight_smile:

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Yes, still relevant, limits have nothing to do with the calculator :slight_smile:

Thanks. This one went into my bookmarks too. Excellent tool