Jarvee Likes exchange tool

Not really an automation tool, but Fuelgram service in my opinion has a base of much better profiles for exchanging likes than Jarvee.

I know that you use more than one account with this setting, but for me (one account in total in Jarvee) this is the best setting that I used so far. The only thing I do is switching off unfollowing once a week for a day as Jarvee quite quickly runs into no accounts to unfollow, but it probably isnā€™t necessary at all.

I donā€™t know if itā€™s very useful, the accounts that like me donā€™t seem to be very authoritative. :open_mouth:

Itā€™s not a horrible system, there are some basic checks for valid accounts put in by the devs but there definitely is a lot of spamminess and extremely low quality accounts in there. Unfortunately Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s really a reasonable way to resolve it.

At the very least I would love to be able to configure accounts for sending likes by niche in addition to specifying the niche(s) I would like to receive on any given account. That coupled with some sort of ongoing tally of all the niches and the supply/demand would help a great deal


How many likes do you give on those LE Accounts after you warmed them up? I donā€™t know if itā€™s worth for me to create seperate accounts

This is possible I think using the engagement group tool in the global settings instead of like exchange. You just tag accounts with the same tag in the same niche and then you have an engagement group for that niche

What I found out from participating in various engagement groups that I used so far is that less automation available equals ā€œbetter qualityā€ of Likes received.

Some of the groups (ie. on Telegram) donā€™t allow givers/receivers or require a minimum of xxx followers for a like giving account.

Hey @wortime - please DM me if you are providing growth services at the moment. Interested in learning more:) Thanks!