Jarvee's Guide To Not Getting Blocked

Thank for the reply, do you also set the limit to these? Do you think of we keep solve softblock its going accumulate up and lead to AC, PV in the end?

please update the report :slight_smile:

Limit in terms of fixing? So far 2 months no issues of AC. PV yes for few maybe 5 percent of my clients but but clients never get AC.

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Relogin and then slowly turn on your actions

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Also Don’t use API for AC, EB + 4g won’t lead to AC.
The thing is when IG detect a bot it when an impossible jump happened.
When going from profile A to profile B once thay have no connection … it is a bot.


@kjc09 thanks for that. So what do you raccomand to do? Should I leave the soft block and do nothing ? But the only wat that I found to solve the problem of temporary block is to reset ids and re log in, but it is quite dangerous I guess.

Ps: I tried in this day to do operation EB + API and I get account compromised, OMG!

I don’t know what to do!

What actions are you doing? We only do EB and no Api

Who has actually had success with this setup ?

@Orel_Sasi I noticed in your screenshot you’re using Browser Experience. This is something I haven’t ever heard talked about. But just did some googleing and I can’t see a reason not to have it on. I also see you have it turned off on two accounts. Can you further explain to me how you’re utilizing this feature? Feel free to PM me if you’d rather not share on here.


I’d also be interested please :pray:t2:

PV happens only when other person use the account at the same time, I had no PV’s or EV’s with EB, AC’s only on those which were posting via mobile phone + EB

Facebook pixel know where your browser visited.
This is faking the visit.
Better use but with random websites I guess.
You can have facebook pixel extension for chrome so you can know which website have it.

That’s not quite true my friend :slight_smile: Many things can lead to PV and EV

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I attend to get PV when posting pics.

2 accounts are not turned off its just not their active days
also im using both eb and api with slave accounts on them to scrape
what more u want u ask you can pm me anytime

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That’s false info. There are plenty of things that can lead to a phone verification. The fact that you believe the only thing that causes it is someone else logged in the account at the same time, says you have alot to learn.

There’s enough misinformation floating around here, no need to add to it.

@Orel_Sasi thank you for answering. I will PM you with additional questions.

But for those using a scraper account, one thing I don’t understand. How are you monitoring statistics such as followback ratio when using a scraper account? I currently am not using any scraper accounts and I’m having trouble with blocks. I think using a scraper account and having the main account do less API calls is great. But if I’m not getting any data about my follow sources, that seems like a deal breaker to me. How am I supposed to evaluate my follow sources without any data?

I think it give you the source.
Anyway you can set scrapping only with specific tag …

Replying to my own question above… Well for anyone wondering, I figured this out. Under the scraper account follow tool, under “Extracted Users” tab, when clicking on “Add Accounts”, there is a small box that pops up to choose your main account. At the bottom a checkbox reads “Remove Poor Quality Sources”. If you hover over this check box, it will give you a description of how it works. Seems to be fully built into J. I swear this wasn’t there before. Perhaps it was added in a recent update? Not sure, but really happy to see that option there.

Nah its been there for longer