Jarvee's Guide To Not Getting Blocked

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naaa depends on how many scrapers you are running - would always a proxy ( like 3 on a cheap datacenter proxy)

more ACs as of right now, accounts that never had AC before hitting daily limits… API working without ACs?)

il do have only ACs on scraper accounts - only had on like 2 out of 600 Client Accounts on API Emulation ACs in the last days

So what’s even the point of jarvee then lol I think I’m gonna cancel

There are accounts that have no problems, for me those can go automatic. But for problematic accounts you need to recover them, and unless you want to have those accounts doing nothing or little for some period, I think it is better to go manual until they are clean.

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This is interesting that they’ve put out this guide. I may try it on one of my accounts. But I’m not a huge fan of the scraper accounts. Right now I’m having some success just switching back and forth between API and EB. I really wish they’d bring back the option to switch to EB when API is blocked.

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Slave accounts are a good chance to do actions without using your main account to avoid blocks, it is a way to reduce the automatized actions on the account. That sounds very logical thing to do.

But please, read this post. Any suggestion will be appreciated

IG is focused on VISUAL ENGAGEMENT after june 19, If you want to check it, do the example in the post suggested, or please do this: check your activity on the app, of any automatized account on Jarvee. If you have not used the app, but you have been doing automatized actions on Jarvee or any other AT, activity will indicate one or two minutes per day

So I is not very difficult to IG security, to discover who is using automatization tools

300 likes, 200 follow, 250 unfollow per day and 1 minute of actvity???

That is the issue. Automatization tools have to reconsider to emulate visual engagement.

It is not about proxies, Ip locations, multiplicity logins, action limits (if they are within human behavior), It about how much time you spend on the platform compare to your actions.

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Then, what’s the reason for the “clients” to get blocked aswell on automation ?

They have a normal activity, but still get blocked.

I don’t think this would be the reason in any way, otherwise clients (= “real users”) wouldn’t get blocked and slaves would be.

this is from the morning
now I have error about sources i try to change everything add sources and change settings
nothing help
someone know what can i do?

Don’t listen to the people trying to scare you away from automation.


Slave Accounts get blocked too. Scraping is more “healthy” than doing actions without visual engagement.
I am sorry, I dont understand who you call “clients”; do you mean “clients” for main accounts?

@HenryCooper, i see you are leader here, do you have any problematic account that cannot make a follow in 15 days? How do you deal with it to be recovered? Thanks

all problematic one will work on manuall / good bot. but won’t work for the same platform (need to rest a lot).


no need scrape account in my opinion but every 1 and their way of handling the new updates


4G Proxies? Are you using API or EB?

how many acc did you run /proxy? are you running acc 24hour? please share your settings

I tried all this and got blocks. :frowning: I’m giving up automation for now.


yes.to many action blocked. and to many problem.

Yea I built a huge portfolio of accounts with over 550,000 followers so I’m going to sell the portfolio and move on.

I work full time and don’t have time to check forums all day!