Josue Pena must really be good

congrats to you for spending endless amount of hours on a forum learning and most importantly applying that info.

not many can do that

at the end of the day people DONT PAY FOR INFORMATION, they pay for a proven path to results that is FAST

google has all the answers for FREE for everything (including how to be a doctor)
courses, teachers, mentors, coaches, etc, provides a fast track path to results so you can avoid pitfalls and some failures that will set you back

plus accountability

because people who pay, pay attention

and i know this because the info on my youtube channel is more valuable than 99% of courses out there on the topic, but yet, less than 1% of people will see the entire video and go apply it

but those who do, have amazing results (i had one the other day that made $15k in 24hours from MY FREE YOUTUBE VIDEOS!!!) and i never charged or made a penny from it

so if that is a scam, then your definition of a scam is a bit twisted


read my response above on the whole “those who cant do, teach” thing

i think i can scrape emails from jarvee too , like example of accounts , with <1k followers and have email attached , will mostly be wannabe influencers and local businesses , basically needing IG growth services.

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You lost me here.

You put links to your site, in your original massive reply, I took them out.

Same with one your replies in another thread that you point to your IG.

All I’m saying is, and I have pointed that out a few times - do not post links that lead to your website. Plain and simple.

If you have an issue with something else, do PM me and I will try to help you out. Or, take it up with an admin.

If you see something else that goes against the said rule above, PM me the thread and I will make sure it gets taken care of.

There are no double standards, rules are rules.



mhm, think again. All courses claim that.
Nothing against you, but I’m allergic to scams.


I just signed up for JonLoomers fb course, and that’s easily the best $147 i’ve spent in the last 2 years.
I was able to scale 2 ads and have a 540% increase on ROAS. Seems legit to me?

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Sure, might be, but take it with a grain of salt.
Out of 100 “fully-proofed to work” courses, 1 might be valueable.
Rule of thumb: The more aggressively a course is marketed, the less it works.

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@Josue_Pena Hey, I realize the forum here can be brutal sometimes. I do admire and respect what you have accomplished - I do not mean to diminish that. I am also glad you are now a part of the community and have taken up here to defend your name - I truly respect that.

However, I do believe I can speak for most folks here and say that I really believe you would be better received here if you came at this place from a point of trying to provide and contribute real value rather than just boasting about what you have done and directing others to contact you outside the forum so they can pay you to learn more.

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True, i’ve downloaded EVERY SINGLE COURSE on this forum. And only 2 were valuable. The rest I was like… bro wtf? He’s teaching how to EDIT A BIO???.. what… the…fuck… lol

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I don’t recall seeing anywhere in his post that he wants you to contact him outside of the forum to pay to learn more? I believe (i can’t see the links anymore) he provided a couple links that had client testimonials and ways to reach out TO THEM if we wanted to verify his claims as truths. That’s not the same thing.

Also… I’m not sure why he would 100% want to provide and contribute real value when his actual courses are on here being pirated and sold, and from it having a reputation questioned on the very same forum lol I mean… I’d probably DDOS the shit out of this specific post if it was me in the same position lol

@Josue_Pena Is legit and is doing what 99% of us want to do… bringing our skills, service and message to a larger audience (the message being IG sucks and want’s to hide our content) and not lurk behind a computer all day keeping up with the newest IG update.

He’s also like one of 10 hispanic/latino entrepreneurs so back off haha


search in here Josue pena course and you’ll see a full thread of pirates in there selling my stuff illegally xD lol

i get it. i am too

but do your due diligence researching who it is and what results they have themselves and for their students because you pass the judgement that they are a scam

LOOOL where the heck do you get all these “rules of thumbs” and all of that haha

it makes ZERO sense

i would say it is the total opposite

the more something is marketed the better it is probably because it is selling, and it wouldnt be selling if the customers werent happy

Second this haha


It still does not guarantee to work. You make false-claims of “making $100 a day with IG” on your click bait titles on YT and provide general knowledge. You also basically brag with clients where it worked and claim how much money you/they made (if they exist), just to get even more “clients” to sell the course to. What about your clients it didn’t work out?

Also you’re a troll.
You’re not defending yourself, moreover by answering to this thread all it does it boosts your SEO to your funnel, which you actively (indirectly) promote very obvious. I won’t comment anymore, I’m not supporting scams, it’s not worth my time.


I think you’re confusing course value with conversions.

There are plenty of courses that sell very well that aren’t good- we can all name courses like this, and there are courses that are incredibly valuable with $3995 price tags that don’t sell as well.

Regardless, I’ve been through your course (and also H-Gram) and I’ve seen the work you did on Becker’s account. You do know what you’re doing for the most part, but your problem is that you’re being very defensive. If you truly can say with complete confidence that your course(s) are good (and they aren’t terrible, I’ve seen much worse) then there’s no reason for you to be so defensive.

Think about your brand image my guy.


I personally haven’t seen a better course than his. Yes, I do think you can learn much more here than on his course, but for an IG course it is not bad at all, especially for beginners, like look at anthony groeper’s courses… That is what scam looks like…

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It’s 2nd only to Nathan Chan’s course (Foundr) IMO.

i came in a thread where it was an attack :stuck_out_tongue: i would have come providing value if they would have sent me a question on “how to do X” or whatever


i do provide a lot of value for free everywhere and I am known for that. i actually have 4 people full time on my team only replying to comments and answering questions, which i pay on my own dime and i make zero $ from

but im playing the long game and i know the importance of providing value for free :slight_smile:

and my goal was never to have them go to somewhere else and pay me

i was simply showing testimonials and results to prove my point

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