Josue Pena must really be good

lol this post wasnt made by me and I simply decided to jump in a provide value + proof that what was being said wasnt true.

now you are saying im trying to sell and scam?


I did my part putting everything clear but i guess that when people want to call someone a scam for no reason, they just do so

also did you even read the comment i made above? my agency is my main business not the course right now


I wonder… what do you do for a living? chances are you had to learn from someone else that you had to pay $$$ to, and chances are that it was a lot more than just $997 as well

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Rules are rules.

Sending people to your site, whichever page that might be, is indirect promotion. As such, it is not allowed.


Would screenshots OF said website with testimonials and links to people / profile you can directly ask ok?

Fine by me. As long as it does not show the url, I don’t see a problem with it.

I definitely didn’t pay nobody for a phony course. Every I learned and what others need to learn is available right here on this forum.

Birds of a feather flock together. Your sir and your testimonials come from the most well-known drop-shipping scammers in the business.

read the comment I made above

I persnally have over 15million and a network that goes beyond 500million


followers dont mean crap if you can $$$ from them. which is the difference between me and everyone else, and why companies & entrepreenurs want to work with me. because i make them $$$$ not just bring followers

i dont have any superiority complex. if i did why in the world would i be sharing so much free content on youtube and online? why would i be helping people and earning ZERO $ in the process?

i was sent this thread and i simply decided to prove a point, show the truth and defend my name with whats real (not with speculations like most things here are)

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I am literally dying to close the clients Josue , i am from India , and the pre-conceived notion of indians being scammers is real strong , i do understand thr growth part of instagram , not trying to do anything shady , having real real trouble getting first 5 clients , have 0 , right now. Any words from you would be HUGELY appreciated :slight_smile: @Josue_Pena

did you even read what i said above in the long response where i addresses this? lol

Would that include the testimonials persons profile link so that anyone could verify for themselves and directly reach out? I guess im asking… how can you verify a testimonial if no link is able to be provided?
Does a username count? As that’s technically not a link but kind of is? lol


right… but yet in other threads here you see people stealing & pirating my stuff, selling it and posting it here, and thats totally fine right? :stuck_out_tongue:

those are some big double standards my friend

But technically… you still learned from someone else. You’re thinking of payment strictly in a form of currency, but your payment was through time reading forums. Rather than fast tracking and learning directly?
I work directly with 2 really big youtube growth people and I 100% pay them. Why? Because what I learned on this forum in 4 months, I learned in 2 phone calls plus more.

I’d be curious of those drop shipping scammers though. Quite interesting.

Are you in any facebook groups by chance?
Go in there, REPLY to people’s questions, address their pain points with solutions, then directly reach out to them afterwards and let them know you’re happy to help them with anything and everything.

It might sound basic and kinda corny but… the direct outreach like that is EASILY the best way I get clients AND created a buzz around me in the community. Even if they don’t hire me, in the future when someone asks “who can help me with this” im always tagged in it.

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Don’t know man, it is not like I have a 10 page manual with what is allowed and not allowed :slight_smile: The rule is - you cannot promote your stuff (define “stuff” as you will) outside of the Marketplace.

Hey, don’t jump on me, I’m just a messenger. No an admin.

If I would have left your links as they were, you might have been banned, which would not have been in your favor.

If you have any issues with how the forum is run, do take it up with an admin (again, I’m not one).


this is absolutely not true, everything you can learn is on the internet (FOR FREE) if you search enough. This counts for SMM, Finance, etc. A course is nothing more than a overpriced pre-chewed lesson, that’s not guaranteed to work.

There’s a good quote from the finance sector:
“If you can’t trade it, teach it.” - and that’s also my opinion I keep, based on all courses I saw.

LOOL right…
how much do you do again??? $$ ??

what is it that you do??


congrats to you for spending endless amount of hours on a forum learning and most importantly applying that info.

not many can do that

at the end of the day people DONT PAY FOR INFORMATION, they pay for a proven path to results that is FAST

google has all the answers for FREE for everything (including how to be a doctor)
courses, teachers, mentors, coaches, etc, provides a fast track path to results so you can avoid pitfalls and some failures that will set you back

plus accountability

because people who pay, pay attention

and i know this because the info on my youtube channel is more valuable than 99% of courses out there on the topic, but yet, less than 1% of people will see the entire video and go apply it

but those who do, have amazing results (i had one the other day that made $15k in 24hours from MY FREE YOUTUBE VIDEOS!!!) and i never charged or made a penny from it

so if that is a scam, then your definition of a scam is a bit twister

first. become better at sales. second, its a numbers game. a lot of people will say no, but you only need 5 YES

contact 100 business owners

95 will say no

5 will say yes

and thorugh the process you’ll become better at sales and then those 5 yes will go up and eventually become 20 and so on

watch the youtube videos where i talk about sales. they will help you a lot and they are free :slight_smile:


I will agree with you on this one.

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thats fine.


double standards BIG TIME

i took the direct links out of the post so that people did see the response and it wasnt taken down.

Go on upwork, hire someone to scrape a giant list of people on yelp for a certain industry or niche.
Then cold outreach them 1by1 or hire someone in sales. There’s a lot of ways you can reach out just… gotta put that footwork in !