[JOURNEY] M/S method on Twitter

Yes I only use my own sims too for IG m/s :slight_smile: So I am in the same boat! I meant more of the fact that I purchased some twitter accounts once, and they instantly needed Email Confirmation, from the new login. When I noticed that MP didn’t have an option to do this automatically, I sort of just put it on the back burner for the time being! But you are saying that twitter doesn’t require you to have an email?

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Yeah when I login with a purchased account it instantly says “suspended” I then click on it do the captcha and then asks for me to put the email in. So I literally copy and paste the email into the box and then I am good to go.
It usually takes a day or 2 for it to ask for a cell number and then once I have added that in it is just pva from there on out.

I now have a bot creating all social accounts I need so I know they are being made off my 4g connection here in the states and have good emails attached that won’t burn out on me.

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Thank you so much :slight_smile: So you aren’t using MP? They’re using your own bot to automate your twitter accounts?

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No I am using jarvee for it all…They have been having a bit of a rough time as of late but they will push on through like they always do.
I do a lot of instagram stuff to so it makes sense to keep it all in one place.

Quick Update

I had to work out a few kinks with my creator bots but seems like they are producing some nice accounts.
I may even give a few out for others to test to see how other people find them.
Today I am going to work on something totally unrelated whilst I create Gmail in bulk.

Seems like Jarvee fixed their issue so that’s awesome! :grin:
Going to be giving an update on numbers soon but the accounts all just restarted yesterday so going to give it a day or 2 to gain back some traction.

Hope everyone is well! :+1:t2:

Amazing! Can I ask how you are bulk profile editing? I would love to test this next week, but I am all about the bio spins. I use them for IG slaves.

I am not bulk editing…I am just adding them as I go 1 by 1and profiling them myself for now. Though I believe the twitter creator I have has the option to do so.
I have actually spent the last day automating gmail creation and now that is going nicely. Seem like solid accounts so I am excited to scale up soon.

I am in no rush at this moment in time so just making sure I get the foundation solid so I don’t waste time and money scaling when things aren’t working as they should.

Hello, my friend, I hope I can communicate with you. I currently do not use the function of private messaging. I am worried that my account will be restricted, so is private messaging possible?

Or you could just ask him questions here like everybody else is doing.

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I am a little confused as to what you mean? are you talking about on here or on twitter? Either way I want to keep all discussion of this thread on here as we could stumble on to answers to could prove valuable for others and they won’t be of any help in my dm’s.

If you are referring to twitter messaging with your accounts I only do this with the accounts that are NOT my main.
I have only lost 2 accounts since starting this over a month ago.
So I don’t think there is too much to worry about.

Hope this resolved your question :slight_smile:

Thanks for this, great stuff!

What kind of message are you putting in the DMs?

Something like “Don`t forget to follow our main account (then do you add the USERNAME or Profile URL?)” assuming this is spun too?

Keep it going :sunglasses:

Are you started monetization?

Yeah I send a quick message that is spun about the main account and then I include the handle in it so they can click and go straight to it.

@dansilva I have started monetizing but not how most people usually do.
When I am ready I will show you.

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Apologies for the delay in updating the numbers. I am crazy busy with life as my wife and I have decided to move from the USA back to my home in the UK.
Though nevertheless!

The numbers have been a little all over the place recently due to bot problems and not having the time to figure it all out.
Though with that said I am now automating most of the process and have got myself back on track. I was doing these numbers at 37 accounts and they should continue to rise but I have also added in another 15 accounts that I created and being very aggressive with my personal ones to test them.

200 follows
220 unfollows
1 retweet
dm all new followers

doing this from the first day I put them in. They have been going for a week now and no problems which is really awesome to see! :grin:

As far as my goal is concerned I am still a bit of a way off of it but I feel very confident I can hit it by the end of the year!
As always please feel free to ask away but keep it in the thread to help others! :slight_smile:


Have you ever ran into an issue of not being able to find tweets when following users that have liked/retweeted tweets? I believe it’s code 61.


Is this the option you are referring too?
Under the follow tab

so as I understand you`re using 37 accounts to shout-out 1 account and the main account is growing, cool!

What is the conversion to site clicks - how many people are clicking your link off Twitter?

No, I’m referring to the option under the follow source tab, not the follower filters and setting tab.

you may have a search block, you can check here - shadowban.e u

That’s an interesting website! I checked and I have no blocks- must be an issue on the software side of things.