[JOURNEY] M/S method on Twitter

if you are using jarvee they have had multiple twitter issues in the last few weeks…They are getting through it but it was a real pain there for a while.

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I’m curious about what kind of results you’re getting so far from monetizing your account.

Once I am done adding accounts and profiling etc I will start to share more about the monetization side. What I will say for now is that it’s a subscription based service I am promoting and that I have seen several subscriptions from my work so far. not enough to break even but a great start.


Within the last week I have been able to get back on track and start producing more accounts and adding them in. Got a little busy with life and jarvee was having some issues not too long ago.
So here is the last week… :money_mouth_face:


As you can see I am firmly back on track but still not really close to my goal of 1000 followers a day. To aid in this I have added around 20 new accounts that I am starting with aggressive settings right of the bat as I have created them with my own 4g connection and sim cards and they are not having problems when I push their limits. I also create gmails which they are created with.
so take that for what it’s worth :wink:

The accounts seem solid and I believe it is just a matter of time until I reach 1000 followers a day. :slightly_smiling_face:

Once I unlock my personal achievment of getting to the 1000 follower a day mark then I will be starting the next part of my journey on this thread.
Coming soon…MONETIZATION :sweat_smile:

Seems like a few of you have been interested in this side and even though I haven’t been focused on it yet does not mean I have not been working on it.
So that will hopefully be soon.


  • Main Account: 6,055 followers

  • Network Accounts: 20k approx followers


An interesting journey, looking forward to following this! I’ve started a twitter account yesterday, for my shopify store. No m/s yet as I’m still newbie at twitter and jarvee atm, and figuring out settings etc.

Twitter for promoting shopify store? Why not instagram?

I’m already using Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook :wink: So trying out Twitter to try out something new

Have you developed your own tools to create accounts or are you using 3rd-party software? I ask, as I’m looking for alternatives and recommendations - for Gmail, Twitter and Instagram.

intresting was thinking of starting my own M/s for Twitter. How did you start? You just started with 100 accounts and follow and DM people? You do not do any posting or have any other accounts RT you at the beginning besides your own?

It is 3rd party and is working very well! Though right now I am suspending services as I am preparing for a big move. I am also getting myself a new laptop as mine is nowehere near where I need it to be for all this work.

Yeah I just retween my main accounts content from all the child accounts.
There really isn’t much to it from what I have found. Just need decent proxies…well made accounts…safe settings.

Apologies for my delay in updating but I have run into issues with having a good enough vps to run the accounts.

For whatever reason the twitter accounts seem to be using a lot of cpu and causing the vps to run much slower than usual and causing me to spend too much time doing basic tasks maintaining the accounts.

I am looking to get back at it soon as I have been testing other vps but serverhosh has not worked well for me so far.

I am also trying to be cost effective about this and trying to find a balance of not to expensive but a powerful cpu to run all these.

I have also tweaked some settings in jarvee to try and use less cpu with the accounts.

Any suggestions as far as lowering the cpu usage or a good vps?

Twitter is all run through EB, so if you have enough accounts performing actions it’s going to eat up your CPU in no time. There are options to only allow certain number of EB windows to open simultaneous, but you’ll run into accounts underperforming. Another option is to run your accounts in shifts to limit the load.

I’d recommend switching to a dedicated box if you can swing it. Hetzner is what I use, pretty affordable if you go the auction route.


I would agree dedicated and Hetzner - go for the SSD set-up.


Can confirm, Hetzner FTW.

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OK! I am back in action but I have had to switch bots out due to jarvee killing my cpu and not really knowing why.
New bot is quite similar and uses near no cpu so very happy about this.
Not as user friendly but i’ll make it work.
Got 40 accounts running now so will give it a few days to see if the growth starts to come back and then will give another update then.

To anyone still somewhat interested in this…thanks :wink:


nice work .i cant do more than 70 follow a day because im getting shadow ban . can this be caused by shared proxy i use ?or because accounts use outlook emails ? after doing 80 follow a day i`m getting passord reset too fast .

shared proxy is probably the issue. I always use private proxies. Though I run 2-3 accounts per private proxy. Maybe slow down how quickly they are following too.

datacenter private proxy you think will work ? or must be 4g ?
you said u do 30-50 follows a hour ?? is sure my settings are very low

These days 40-60 f/u per day with 24h rest every 48h is the safe way to go to not get shadowbanned on follow notifications. Hard to deliver good performances this way, but since the beginning of October it’s the only settings that are working. Hopefully, it’ll be over with the official Biden’s nomination. Hopefully.