[JOURNEY] M/S method on Twitter

I did experience some shadowbans not too long ago on new accounts I put in. Haven’t give it much thought as I have about 30 others running on data center proxies that are fine and put some new ones on 4g proxies that are running fine.
Kinda confused why the others got shadowbanned tbh.

I’m just gunna keep messing around but just got wifi and my server up now so really starting to get myself into a place to scale up faster.

I imagine this is going to give me a better idea as to how viable this all is when I start adding more accounts.
Will be giving a full update in a few days.

Can you share your settings? Delays and what not. The fact that you were able to hit such high numbers without being shadow banned is very impressive.

Update Time! :grin:

So the numbers have been pretty consistent recently but as you will see I did hit a shadowban on a chunk of my account the last few days. haven’t been hit by this since I started this journey so that was interesting. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
It appears that I just need to let them sit for 2-3 days before resuming.
Though I have decided to lower the amount of actions on the account and just add more to compensate for it. :wink:

Another thing I have noticed is with my main it does not get shadowbanned but appears to be getting a search ban.
I am wondering if this is due to the accounts all retweeting from the same page. (kinda like an engagement group)
Going to stop retweets or make them from multiple sources and see how that goes. :sweat_smile:
I also did an audit of the now 11k followers and it came back 98% real so huge success there! :star_struck:

Plenty more testing ahead but the numbers are still solid and the some of this traffic is converting and turning into :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:

As far as my settings are concerned they are all over the place at this point while I try and find what is considered under the radar to twitter so pointless in sharing them until I (hopefully) find the sweet spot. :slight_smile:

Thanks for peoples continued interest and I will try and get back to doing more frequent updates in the coming days and weeks.

Peace! :sunglasses: :v:


Quick Update: Bunch of accounts got shadowbanned but I have added enough accounts in to compensate for the loss of accounts while they sit for a couple days.

I have these accounts running 80-100 follows a day and retweeting every other day.
I have no stopped all retweeting to try and find out what is the problem.
The shadowban issue is very new to me as up until a few days ago my accounts weren’t effected.

Anyone have any experience with this and got around this issue?

I am running accounts off data center and 4g proxies.
Both performing around the same so that’s interesting.

I might take the step of taking 2 days off a week from actions to see if this helps going forward.

We push on! :sunglasses:

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Im sorry if this was answered before but, Do you run into PV’s, if so how do you verified the accounts? Real sim cards manually or virtual phone numbers?

Real sim cards. Way cheaper and much easier.
I do run into them but with sim cards its not too bad.

From my recent experience with Shadowbans (affected since October), the only settings that are safe now are 40-50 follow/unfollow per day with 4G proxies. Even increasing to 60+ per day triggers the shadowban again.

Let’s hope they’ll lax things up in the coming weeks with Biden’s inauguration.


Just found your topic…similar issue with shadowban…however i dont do F/UF…my shadowbanning is triggered by sending DMs/mentions…i use between 5-8 accounts to direct traffic to my main via dms (now harder with the european privacy updates)…i can tell by the traffic i get on the main account immediately when they are shadowbanned since it drops right away, i then stop the accounts of sending anything for 3-5 days and when i turn them back on, i can see immediate increase in traffic again that same day and then on next it drops…so my next testing will be give all accounts a break and then rotate them every other day and see how that goes…such a pain in the a*** lol gotta keep testing

So here we go for another UPDATE :grin:
I have been slacking on this recently I know :sob:
I can do better I promise MP! please! Just one more chance!
Though fair warning I will let you down again :sweat_smile:

Here are the latest results for my main account!

So we are starting to take off these last few days!
This is due to a few factors: I already had a cheap supply of twitter accounts but I also found a really cheap proxy provider which has allowed me to scale up faster than expected.
Obviously more accounts means more messages sent out!

There has still been issues with shadowbans but not as bad as before.
I lowered the follows down to 50 a day per account so I imagine it has something to do with dm’s or retweets.
Though in it’s current state I can manage it. :sunglasses:

It has been a tedious journey but it is now starting to produce the results I was looking for…just really hoping to get over that 500 followers in a day mark and then move on to somehow getting to 1k followers a day. :exploding_head:

Wish me luck… :wink:


looks very good man I hope you the best just try to keep things steady and you will be there.

Looking really great, best of luck in future :slight_smile:

You are great

My Journey Complete! :sob:

It is with a heavy heart that I must say this method has come to a bitter end for me.
My main account was banned today…apparently growing at 500 followers daily puts you on the map.
It was fun while it lasted and probably still viable on a smaller scale but I am probably going to look into facebook or reddit now for a new challenge.

Thanks to everyone who followed along.


Just to clarify now that this journey is over- you were simply doing M/S with multiple Twitter accounts, DMing new followers on the slave accounts to follow your main? Were you also retweeting tweets from your main as well?

BTW- Good job on sticking things out.

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I do not think that is a valid thing to get banned for. Unless your Main is somehow linked to the others. If all the others ran on proxys etc. then why would Twitter ban you if these could also be other people?
That is like banning Streamers for getting Viewbotted etc.

Could you explain further? Did you get an Email or something?
There has to be something that is missing here

So sad to hear that. How long did your account last and have you perhaps made some changes recently on your strategy?

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The changes I made were adding more and more accounts. I think it got to a point where it was obvious what was going on. Twitter can detect it once you get past a certain threshold I guess.

I was retweeting from the other accounts and this could have been the reason for the ban as it links it all in. I might take the most successful of all my accounts and turn that into the new main. Still undecided at this point.

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Were you retweeting tweets from any other accounts or publishing tweets?

I think the reason why your main account got banned is because your slave accounts mention the main account in the DMs you sent. People who received your DM may have visited your profile, then reported the profile to Twitter. Those reports put your account under their radar.