[Journey] Mother Slave Method on Personal Account

What made you realize after 3 days the method was working, but you have no new follower on main account? what data did you see that made you say it’s working?

The hardest thing about automation is keeping accounts valid while running actions. I’ve heard stories of people getting PV/Captcha/Review with 24 hours of performing actions. Most of my accounts are performing well after 1-2 weeks of automating. I’m not going to lie though. There some accounts that are getting hit, but that’s why I made this journey.

I think @Smitty meant did you gain any followers?

I think @Smitty meant did you gain any followers?

I’m still warming up so no followers yet.

So I guess ever since I started to profile my accounts thinks went downhill…Almost all of my accounts are stuck in PV/Captcha/24hr review. For the next couple of days, I will rest my accounts longer after re-profile (or even not re-profile them at all). I’m pretty confident the settings I have in Jarvee are good, once I get over the re-profile hump we should we be good.

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My experience with profiling: no link in bio or at least no link off of IG. Profile pics needs to be ‘real’ and relevant to the profile.


Not much of an update, but I am warming up/profiling my accounts a different way. I haven’t had any blocks/verifications the past 3 days and I am waiting a couple more days to raise limits on the accounts.


Yeah, i’m having a nightmare warming up my accounts. I tried using some aged accounts but they all got email notifications.

Using the same proxy service as you

Are they stuck in email notifications or are they just getting it when you add it to the proxy? I’m actually testing something and added some old accounts I created months ago and I got email notifications on all of them, but that’s it. They are running fine now.

I actually want to add something in response to a question earlier. The most common problems when running M/S are the following:

  • Ban chain
  • Stuck in Captcha/PV loop and vice versa after warming up
  • 24 hour review
  • All posts being deleted
  • Posts uploading without captions even though you wrote one
  • Instant captcha/PV loop after adding account

So when I say the strategy is going well for me so far, I mean my accounts are still valid despite running actions. The hardest thing about this method is making all accounts act like humans and have no digital footprints from one another. Also from my experience so far, you can’t really if any changes/tests you made worked until about 3 days after.

They are ones that were going well for a day or two and then all went to email notifications around the same day. i’ve tried the videos that people recommend and it just stays in the loop. The guy gave me a refund so i’ll stick to my new accounts and warm them up better. I don’t seem to get the loop from them, but I get a lot more action blocks.

Do you run your accounts at different times on your mobile proxy?

What methods are you using to keep it running smoothly/

Ive just started up five slave accounts that will do the api work for the children accounts. My mother account doesn’t go on jarvee at all. had no growth yet as i’m only a week into this venture and keep running into issues

Running child accounts this days is not just about proxies and account age, but also simulate human actions. How to do it? When you’re on Instagram, what you do, how many stories you see, how many likes and subscribes you make. Then notice how you act by performing manual actions.Next, you simply create tasks by transfering the same actions you did on your phone with some adjustments to your bot.

For example:
Task 1 : Follow + like - 100 follow + 12 likes
Task 2: Follow + like + Storie View - 100 follow + 12 likes + Story view
(diversity is the key)

The point from creating multiple tasks with different actions so the algo does not recognize the actions as automated and does not block/flag the account.



They are ones that were going well for a day or two and then all went to email notifications around the same day

From what it sounds like you might have done too much of same stuff at once and Instagram found out.

Do you run your accounts at different times on your mobile proxy?


What methods are you using to keep it running smoothly?

Minimizing number of actions in the warm-up stages


Next, you simply create tasks by transfering the same actions you did on your phone with some adjustments to your bot.

This sounds like an amazing idea, but I’m trying to figure out how to send the actions to each separate account?

Can you schedule those sorts of mechanics through jarvee?

I only changed the profile pic, name and deleted the photos. They each had about 1000 followers and looked like an old child account. Maybe the accounts were reported as I changed the accounts to a totally different niches. I may have been going to fast on my new accounts though.

Jarvee gave me some ideas for following, so am trying them out now.

How slow are you ramping up the accounts when warming up and do you get many action blocks?

Hey man send me a DM and I will try to help you. I have been running dozens of slave accounts with no issues. But I must say it took lots of trial and error to fix the PV/Gotchas

Unfortunately, i have no idea how you can do it with jarvee because im not jarvee user.

i have no idea, because i stopped using jarvee since the last summer. im using other software which have feature to create multiple schemes for every account.

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What software do you use now and how does it compare?
The only other software ive used is ninjagram which runs decent for one account, but lacks a lot of features


I only changed the profile pic, name and deleted the photos

There’s your answer right there. That’s too many actions.

So I think I finally found out what triggered my ban chain and it all makes sense now! I put a location in the bio and I believe that may have triggered everything. I think because that location is different from the location of my IP it raised a red flag and put my accounts in PV, catcha, 24hr review, etc


In follow tool settings tab there are options to like users’ latest post after follow and view story after follow, maybe that’s similar to what @ZackMD1 is talking about. We can set percentage on those options to make it more random.


Oh true. Do you recommend I implement these into my plan from now on?

its in russian language and its hard to use if you’re not speaking or understand russian.

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It’s been a bumpy road, but I’m starting to figure all of this out. The past few days I’ve been running a LOT of tests on creating accounts, re-profiling accounts, posting on accounts, resting accounts, adding accounts and more and it’s going well so far.

Today, I will turning on many accounts that I re-profiled days ago. The first batch today are running actions with no problem.

I hate spammy content and your FBR can drasticially improve or even lower depending on the content on your slaves. That is why I’m taking such a long time in making sure the accounts look ready before I send DM’s. I know my audience pretty well and I have a new approach on how I’m going to pursue this method. My tests are going well so far and I’m excited to start making these bad boys send DM’s in the few days.

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