(Journey) TikTok Growth - Goal 150k by the end of 2022

I usually leave TikTok and check back the next morning since I post in the US times & head to sleep directly after. I have heard but this is not confirmed but TikTok apparently boosts your reach if you log of directly after but I can’t compare it.

Regarding the comments I answer when I get up & before I head to sleep

Okay, thanks for the tip Nick1 :pray: :muscle:

Ohhh ok ok I’ll try this!! Thank u :ok_hand:t3:

Update Time:

I have been slacking guys… I didn’t upload over the Weekend because I was focused on finishing the offer to monetize the account & finished everything so I am able to start monetizing the Account now properly.

I’m at 2.5k Followers after starting at May 10th & get really good views on every video.

Now this week I’m going all in again and making sure that I post at least 2-3 Videos a day.

Can’t wait to update you on how I revived the account after being inactive :joy:

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Are you using F/UF or M/S to help your strategy?

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No with Good Content you don’t need it on TikTok


Can you post the exact link from the Amazon Germany for the SIM card? So I can just reserve the linked item to my Amazon store so I can buy the proper sim, I want to avoid buying a traveller sim!


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Definitely following.

2.5k followers in just 3 months is an awesome result I would say. Keep it up Nick1 :muscle:

Does this method allow to post ads to the US audience from Europe?
I would be grateful for the link for the right sim aswell. :pray:

Any updates? :smiley:

Hey Nick1! If I were to go live on tiktok using my US SIM card and wifi method, will my live show to people from the US?