Just got blocked doing it Manually for clients. Anyone else?

Yes, but not always. My tests show that a lot depends on the phone.

One of my client accounts got that message last Friday. We only do manual growth like yourself and he didnt use automation before.

what message? sharing account with follow/like service message

yes i got this message. to change password. what its about?

it’s all about how you perform the actions guys… i had an account that perform 50 follow per day and the account was only logged on this device and it got blocked :slight_smile: however i am doing rigorous follow… bot like pattern that is easily recognizeable…

my other manual grown accounts are fine

if you use your android phone, max 5 account. if 1 acc get action blocked. the other getting blocked too or what?

usually that’s the case now… they flag device id

you mean you get the same trouble? if 1 account blocked. the other account get blocked too?

i got a friend who has 1 account that is clean and never did follow/unfollow and he/she has 2-3 other accounts doing follow/unfollow… that 1 account is now blocked too

On the same phone?

yes on the same phone

I got blocked too cant even like photos

a lot of people we work with who manage clients by manual interactions got blocked in recent days on their phones (all accounts Account compromised) at the same time

you can use up to 5 accounts per phone. you used 3 phones for those 15 accouns you used a software that lets you handle more accounts over the phone.
you used your cellular data or wifi?

not the accounts got blocked, you got a device block!

All accounts have their different behaviors… we are currently running 15 accounts per phone and all accounts seem fine

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Anyone get this device block lifted?

Out of my 10 accs, they’re managed by 3 diff people- half are action blocked between Friday-Monday (today). Our theory was it’s getting toward end of the month, and we’ve been staying at 180-190 followes per day. May be getting close to limit. Anyways, just thought I’d share an update.

if you are referring to the 6K/30 day limit, it’s rolling 30 day, not by calendar month.

also some people are saying 6k/30 limit no longer applies to manual follow but I haven’t been able to verify that personally yet. It takes a while to hit 6k with manual follows. lol

30 days! I just asked 2 more friends, also experienced blocks today specifically with manual f/u