Looking for Cooperation (people that teach me how to make mobile proxies with android device and sms function)

Im living in a country where no one can make mobile proxies and I know some people need it.
So in the end I have to make it by my self. Im not an expert. I have some knowledge about technical’s stuff and I lear really fast. Im from the Movie industry technical part. So its not the first time to build something unique.

In the end I just want to offer that I build for my case some Mobile 1:1 Proxies (I don’t need More than 50-100) and the person/company that teach me how it works get an exclusive contract where we just give him proxies from my county for his customers and self use. Just for the Cost that we have to build it and hold it. In my country the Mobile Data Tarifs are starting form 20€ / Month for 10GB 30MBits/10MBits Download/Upload for more speed or faster Internet its higher.

Let me now if you are interesed im in Europe.

Thanks for all feedback.

Sorry for my English its not nativ.

10GB/mo aren’t enough, neither is 60 or 100 if you need to hand them over to other people for which you don’t know in advance how much they consume, which isn’t possible since this data fluctuate based on how they use them.

For example you might have calculated the monthly amount needed while they were using API only and then they move all accounts to EB and you run out of data

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Thank you for your advice. I just want to tell how it looks like the are also bigger and faster tarifs. And maybe its also cheeper for more sims. depends of the use case and quantity of sims.

So you think its better to start with 60-100gb/mo?

When I started people where mostly using API only and 110GB weren’t enough for everyone (clients with strict filters did more than this).

I think you can work something out for personal use but hardly be able to sell a good service with those data plans available

We can proxies in any Country mate.
No matter if they use CGNAT or anything

Ok wow if I use just instagram on my mobile phone I never needed more than 8gb just for instagram in massive use. So how its possible that JV needs 110GB just for Instagram Promo. I dont understand this.

This data tarifs are just if I also want to offer ID and SMS proxies. We also have just mobile internet. Its cheaper but without ID and without SMS. The are also cheaper and some of them have unlimited GB. But the bad stuff is. This Tarifs are normal not just for Phone. I just try to simulate exactly a real person.

Ok I need for personal use 4 Mobile proxies. Just for me. But I have some friends that need also some Proxies. So we want to share the build cost and make just for our JV some proxies.

Is there some one that can help us?

Thanks a lot.

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I could help you. Send me a DM

We was already in contact and didn’t found a solution. Do you have a other idea.? Last time you just tried to sell me your service ;-P. Im still thinking about it. But I prefer to do it by my self.

I can help you if you have specific questions.
But don’t expect someone to do it for you from scratch.

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What did he try to sell to you?

people are here to learn to share to network and maily to sell cus dont expect people do stuff for you free cus time its not , and as he said if you dont know what really need then people can’t help you and lastly if you can’t invest time or money in your biz then you’re not doing biz

all the best

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First of all a proxy (But I was looking for Proxy and I ask for that) and than social media service with JV. Its ok for me I dont have a problem. I was asking just for proxy but in the end the offer was ok. But nothing for me.

Im not asking that someone do it for me. I want to make it by my self. I just need a step by step tutorial. And if this person have also customers in my County and he need local Proxies he get it for the 1:1 price. because he give me the knowledge to build it. In the end I think I found some one he want to explain me all in real live. We will meet in the next Day and if it works perfekt im happy and I can finally make my own proxies. If not I will continue looking in this awesome Forum. And I hope someone see an advantage for his own service.
And in the end everything its easy if you know how it works. :slight_smile:

just google it or let me google it for you https://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+make+4g+proxy

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What? I dont understand what you mean. Im just looking for some one that want to share his knowledge about building mobile proxies. For normal Instagram Promotion by JV. Yea that’s true the will be people that need 60-100GB / Month traffic and some one that need less. In the end I can just use the data Tarif of my county. So in the end if your customer can say I need 100GB its possible but more expensive. If someone needs just 10GB its cheeper but I think that’s logic. I just want to give you a feeling how it works in my county and if its interesting for you. If you say you never can sell a Mobile 1:1 for 80€ but you want to have 100GB than I think we dont mach. But if you say I will teach you how it works and if I get it for the real price (Just for the person that give me the knowledge) we say 80€ for also 300GB in month and you can resell it with 100€ or 120€ and you say that’s ok for me than I think it could be interesting to cooperate. So I lear to make proxy for my case. And if you need some one for your coustomers or to sell it its also ok I can build with your knowledge some for you. Thats all I hope you understand what I mean. Sorry for my English.

That is the problem.
I said I can help you if you have specific questions.
Then you said you need a step by step tutorial.
But I cannot do that. Script and network management is too complicated to just type up a step by step tutorial for a beginner.
So please just hire someone who is good with networking and then if you have specific questions, ask here.


Because on a single mobile proxy you are going to run multiple accounts. 10 accounts per proxy with your usage would be 80GB/Mo.

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Ahhh this is why you need so much. I just let run 1 account on 1 proxy :slight_smile: to be safe. so in the end 1 account needs like 10-12gb/month. :slight_smile: if you dont post every day 10 50MB Videos. :wink:

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Oh Mate, did you find any tutorial? I’ve been constantly chase it by messages with “paid tutorials”

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@rodboc no I did’t found some tutorial just a Video on YT from an russia that show how he did the hardware set up.

But I found a friend that knows how it works and we are testing now self made German and Austrian proxies.

Im running now since 9 Days on this self made proxy and it works realy nice. But im still on the warm up phase.
This account had some not so good proxies and I had many blocks and also a compromisation.

After 10 Days rest and no action I start with the new proxy and a ID reset and today im hitting the 100/day unfollow and 80/day follow. Also the Post works now with caption and PM and Likes. Just the comment tool have a problem with this account but maybe because I did in the warm up phase too strong settings.
3 Comments / Hours was not so good.

I hope I can recuperate this tool too. Than I know all works nice. Soon we will test the next Proxy with an other hard Block account and Compromise.

Our Proxy is set up for the EB actions. But the API works also for the extraction tool.

If we hit the 200/day Follow and Unfollow than we will start a beta test with some people that want to try out our proxies.


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