Manual engagement for insta

So basically 500 follows per day and the nex day 300 unfollows?

I do know that if I go over the 200 limit per day I get blocked…


Honestly? Because it’s a pain…
A couple of accounts is OK, but I personally work as something else and can’t really be doing F/U on 8 accounts…
Automation is much easier…

outsource it to someone else… not worth if you’r e doing it on your own

No 500 unfollows but spread over 3 waves. I dont get blocked at all

  • I don’t personaly like following and unfollowing on different days, as it’s easily spotted :confused:

  • @eNzim Most of them would not report you, but just send you a message or say like “gonna block you from F/U me”. Well, everyone who told me this (2-3 people), saw my analytics and they said “Oh sorry, no problem”.

  • I told them my IG is full of bug, eventho i sent an IG request to the support, they didn’t replied back yet !

  • Golden. Analytics are everything, to my mind. If your F/U can be spot by your competitors or clients, why would you keep going doing it ? It’s no point. No business can be taken seriously to my mind, if they’re doing this. It means they need to F/U to drive traffic to their account. So if you do it, do it in a smart way :slightly_smiling_face:

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So 500 unfollows in 3 waves!
How many follows do you do?

hey buddy are you doing to to someone you know personally? or someone over the internet?
and what are you paying these guys? i know a lot of people who have general understanding of instagram and i was thinking of doing a test with 2-3 clients and a personal know person. But i have to teach him some things first then i can go ahead with it.

i manage the team and operation my self here… already working with 5 US agencies at the moment. feel free to DM me if you want to know more, we’ll figure something out for you

i’ve been doing instagram since 2014 the days where everyone is using follow liker and been doing 1000 follows per day and creating 5000 accounts easily using bots… lol. So sad that this is what it comes down to now, but business has to keep running


what type android phone you used my friend? 5account/phone? you switch them every action done?

i use a local manufacturer here in my country (not Samsung, Oppo, Xiaomi, or whatever is recognized)

yes, 5 account/phone

what type celphone android?

evercoss , local Indonesian manufacturer… don’t think phone manufacturer has any impact on account trust score… just doesn’t make sense at all

did you get any action blocked with follow and like manual my friend? can you hit 200/follow + 200likes/account? everyday
i think would be better if any macro script. start doing automaticly

I can attest to this, the type of phone makes no difference to trust score. iOS and Android both are same. All costly and cheap phones are same. It’s the actions and how they are done matter. Personally tested it over 41phones lol. Manual f/u seems to be a good way to move forward as of now

any trouble with manual?

None if you can act like human. As in don’t just click click follow button. Go on explore, do random scrolls, save some posts, see stories etc etc

how many acc you run /mobile?
follow and like/day?
you switch acc every action done manually?

We run 4 accounts per mobile.
~400 follows and ~400 likes per day


wow thats amazing follow 400 and 400 like/account not getting any single block?

Hey thanks for the info. Have you been doing it for more than 30days ?