Manual engagement for insta

yeah we are. You can’t just hit follow follow. Do other normal actions too - like save posts, like comments, watch story, spend time on explore, check igtv etc etc. Make it human

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you can use GRAMup chrome extention im using it and its really great

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Hey man. Just wondering if you are using 3+ accounts per phone when doing the f/u manually.
I have two accounts on my phone doing about 100-200 follows a day on each. Last night one account got a 7-day block but the other one is okay. I am not sure if adding more accounts will create more suspicion to IG algorithm.
So how many accounts you got on one phone?


that really has nothing to do with having 3/4/5 accounts in a phone, it is more with how you do the follows

i was in that same boat a few weeks ago, was just doing follow follow follow follow… nothing else. IG doesn’t like that. They have a machine learning implemented and its not dumb but getting better each day

does it simulates human behaviour? like a bot?

no actually you run in from your pc so so the residential ip is a safe play and you can like your feed or hashtag or follow some1’s follower and so on , so far there’s no bot or maching that stimulte human behaviour and becaus thats so subjective haha even people doing it manually they dont sound humans so moderation is your friend :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


i will have a look at it. thanks for sharing

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your welcome man , make sure you’re using the latest chrome ver and please like my replies you know we’re all in lvl2 marathon :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


also just as an FYI, even the bot InstaPy has been shying away from using chrome engine to bot on browser, they are moving it to firefox since IG can detect it very easily

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have you ever tried using your own mobile proxy? so no need manual.

i have my own mobile proxy… the problem is not the proxy, it’s the bot… no software automation that exists now in this world are working… that’s it, period end of story


Manual is still way easier to avoid blocks than automation :slight_smile:

We are getting blocks, even on the phone. I’m guessing our mistake was doing interactions with 5 accounts from the same phone…

How many accounts are you guys having per phone?
How many actions per hour?

If you’re worried about F/UF same accounts over and over, just find a few big accounts that get 1000+ new followers per day as sources.

Are you using a phone that has both accounts on it or you are using a browser to do these actions?