ℹ [MEGATHREAD] 24hr Review / Thank you for providing your info

It’s been 2 weeks for me and the review still when I log in I see thank you for providing your info we will review 24hr and it’s been 2 week still the same

Please help me 30 days im open instagram recover ?


For the people still geting the first message,have you tried loging the account from the app on the phone?Jarvee still says “reviewing” while the app says “baned”.
If you get your account baned you can move to the recover process.

Please help me

Thanks for Providing Your Info

We’ll review your info and if we can confirm it, you’ll be able to access your account within approximately 24 hours.

this is what is being shown to me help

Your account is recovered or not ??

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It got banned after this

Share screenshot
What can you see after login into Instagram.

Have you send any hateful video in DM Instagram.

please help me

Do you send any hateful video in DM ?

Hi, Has your Instagram account been reactivated and after how long? I sent a porn video and when I try to log in it appears to me that it is being reviewed in 24 hours, but no response. Are the conditions due to the account? Because it is my personal account and contains 35 thousand followers

My instagram 107K follow :broken_heart: page

I expect accounts have been suspended for a period of a month

My page 26/8 disable 26/9 recover instagram :pleading_face::heartpulse:???

Anyone who have success after 30 days suspension get account back?

No, my account has been disabled since last 2 months