ℹ [MEGATHREAD] 24hr Review / Thank you for providing your info

Same issue here… and the funny thing is it’s my private account. Last time I posted was somewhen in 2017, I never followed more than 120 people, I only liked and viewed stories from friends.

Never used tools, bots. Only thing I used today was out of curiosity an unfollow app… but they can’t be serious to block me forever just because this?

Verified with my phone number and mail address and I even think they’ve my identity card since I applied for getting verified.

They’re now reviewing and checking information… apparently within 24h I will get a reply but seems based on the replies here, my account is gone. What a f** shit.

I’m currently in the same situation. It’s still within the 24 hour window. I used a third party app to see who isn’t following me back…other then that I’ve done nothing wrong what so ever.

Do people usually get their account back?

seems like 50:50 chance… if true, one guy from this thread recovered all of his 12 accounts, others waiting like 1-2 months already. Another one said he got he’s account after like 1 or 2 days back.

I already submitted the appeal yesterday within the 24h window. Currently around 20h since I submitted my picture + written code.

But seems lately lot of people have this issue… hope it’s just a bug from Instagram or so.

so how do I get past this if I can’t login :confused: someone plz help

Did you verify you phone number? If not this might be the solution. I logged into Instagram, they asked me for verifying my phone number and afterwards I got the “Thank you for providing…” message.

Than I was able to request a review.

This is what I’m
Able to fill out …

I just tried making a new Instagram account and I can’t even do that. Has anyone had that issue? It’s given me the same damn error with the 24 hour review…ON A BRAND NEW ACCOUNT. Is my device banned ??

Does anyone know if your device can be banned? Or a phone number attached to a previous account can be banned ?

24 hours are over and now I get the message my account got disabled. No reply yet to my appeal.

my new account just got this . Been under review for around a day now, has anyone got past this sucessfully?

I would suggest reading this thread in its entirety :wink:

I’m amazed how many normal users come here to create accounts and testify that their accounts got permanently banned after this 24h review message.

Good job Zuckerberg, nice try blocking botted accounts - it’s a brilliant success.

Oh, wait? :smirk:


+thumbs up.

good point

same here lmfao

I have some issue here, and its been 24 hours since back then, no email or shit from instagram, can anyone help me? Pls

Yeah bro no luck here either . I can’t afford losing this account either

Been over 24h under review :woman_facepalming:t2:

Any response yet?

you can repeat request of if youre advertiser … ask for their FB support

My scraper got this today :sob:
It was made with my mom’s phone number and my email address.

Can I re-use this phone number to make a new account?