ℹ [MEGATHREAD] 24hr Review / Thank you for providing your info

Depending on how many you created with that number already: Yes.

Nah bro they dont care with their user

I thought you can create only 1 account per number? When I tried to use my number it said it’s already used for another account so I had to put my mom’s.

Did you remove the number before the account was disabled? If not, this could prove to be an issue.
A number is freed after a while if not assigned to an account anymore - if it’s still linked then not much can be done about it.

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No, there is no option to do so. I put the SMS code in, then Instagram asked for e-mail verification which I did too and after that it was disabled even though I verificated the account per email and sms.

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Can anyone who’s gotten past the "24 h review " screen let me know how long it took? Thanks

Time seems to be different for each account. Some really only waited for 24hrs, for others it took weeks based on the numerous threads we have about this.


Automatically recovers, meaning

anyone got their accounts back???


I got the 24hr review screen on tuesday, its now friday with no update. I have no idea why this is taking so long. Anyone who recently got this can let me know how long it took to change? + how often they checked it. I suspect that checking it reguarly resets your place in line so Im just not gonna touch it this next 24hrs.

Hey man I was wondering if you had any luck with your accounts that took longer than 24hrs to pass the first screen. Ive got a big account I need to reactivate already.

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Please I’m interested,I do not want to lose my account

Have you clicked Done?

yeah, it’ll just log out the account

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Hey hey I’ve got the same problem
I was just wondering if when it says ‘done’ and then it asks are you sure you want to log out of your account, what do I do ? Do I log out or just stay logged in and wait where I am
Don’t touch anything? And would it be just better for me to Stay patient and wait until they contact me on my email or ig or shall I contact fb for business in the meantime? Thanks in advance for your help Best, M

I can only see “Instagrammer”

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Got it today while I slept, recovered with my phone number… Happily no 24h review

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how did you get it back? what did you do? Thank you!


I don’t know, I just entered my phone number to get the code, as it said I had to do it. After that it said something about the 24h review + account disabled, but I got it just right away

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do you have a screenshot of the request like how the code was sent? how bout the process, were u emailed or some sms message was sent to you to open i back. While you were waiting, were you checking on the account even if it wasn’t 24 hours passed? Thankss