ℹ [MEGATHREAD] 24hr Review / Thank you for providing your info

Which form did you submit exactly? I thought at first you’re referring to the support request form, but then you mentioned about the country field. I don’t understand how changing the IP location would make a difference since you choose the same location each time you submit the form. Did they reply in different languages depending on your VPN location?

Has anyone tried actually making the facebook business account? I would like to try it - I’m willing to spend some money - but It would have to be fake cause i’m not owning anything.

Any tips on how to get it done?

Create a fake page, publish a post, then promote the post by using a FB ad. You will be able to contact their live support after that.

How to avoid it getting disabled within a few hours? Do i make an entire new facebook account? I tried that earlier, made a new account, then business account (didn’t promote post tho) and it got disabled within a few hours. So i guess it wasn’t legit enough.

Hi, someone please help:( I just wanna ask.

I got an email from facebook to holding a code. I did but I got this massage a few hour later. So I just fill the form again.

The email said about I was not following the term of us. Please, is the review success or not?

Hey guys, i have question.
I’ve reply a email from facebook and i send them the picture of me holding a sheet of pair with the code they sent. so, how long i get reply from them about the next step? its my 11th day after i got first email from them, and i send 4 another picture cus somebody told me i should spam it so i can get notif from them

I’m up to 14 days brother - I think it’s going to be a long road

no, your account is still disabled. you will need to keep submitting this form, it’s the only way to get your account back.

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I did. But I got an email after I took a pict of me and the code. The code send at 17.00 and that email with the link was at 22.00. I only know that we have to fill the form first, and the code is the last step. But why it’s different for me? Is it normal? Or my pict is fail?

We HAVE spent thousands already in ads and I still got this message on my client’s business IG account. It’s ridiculous. And I don’t see the option to contact Facebook via their live chat or email in business manager.

omg :frowning: thanks for your information brother

same thing happened with me also on August 19
yesterday i checked in my account got deleted

Yeah I think that’s where alot of our accounts are headed

It’s normal for them to ask you to fill out the form again. I don’t think it has anything to do with the pic you sent them, it’s just IG being IG. Some people could get their account back after 1st or 2nd try, and others needed to wait weeks or even months until they lifted the ban. Repeat the same process until IG unban your account.

Oooo so it’s can be different. I only fill it twice. I don’t want to spam because so many people fill that form too:’). Thanks a lot​:pleading_face::slight_smile:i hope my account will be back. It’s not a problem if it’s take a long time but I hope My acc back, all of my memories there:(

after filling up the from on the link provided "
Just use this: https://help.instagram.com/contact/1652567838289083"

this is the reply i got from instagram

yg sabar ya ka, aku aja berbulan bulan sudah :frowning:

Kamu udah foto code juga? Udah balik apa belom? Aku sih gak apa apa wait sampe kapan pun asal balik aja:(

Oh I forgot, is your account got banned too? If is got banned, did your account already back?

if anyone actually gets their account back can you post in here to at least give us some hope