[METHOD] Alternative Way to Setup Your Scraper Accounts -JARVEE

Hey! Should the scrapers have the tool you want to usr activated? Eg. If you are following on your main, do you start the follow tool in the slave accounts? Or does it just work without.

No, the scraper just has to be valid, and not more, you don’t need to turn on anything.

I keep seeing the same questions get asked over and over again, I’m going to clarify a few things:

  1. The scraper account just has to be valid, you don’t need to turn on ANY tool. You can if you want to do actions on the scraper, but it has nothing to do with how the main account will scrape.
  2. You can now import accounts as scraper accounts in JARVEE (you need a licence of 70 users or more to get this enabled). A scraper account will basically be an ig account that does nothing other than scrape. You have no tools on those accounts either, but they don’t count towards your account limit. They will be imported with the tag “Scraper” by default, you can change it though. Make sure to have the same tag name setup in settings be the one the scrapers are tagged with.
  3. The quality of your proxy is a key factor in how long the scraper will live. The cheap ones aren’t going to give you the best results, they will save you money though. So think about what would be cheaper, replacing dead accounts, or paying for better proxies.
  4. The more scrapers you have, the more the api calls get spread out across the accounts.

Good to know. Been using your method for a month or so and saw a post on jarvee saying that it should have follow activated so got me confused. Thanks

You need the follow tool activated if your sending to extracted users, then sending to the main accounts. That’s the non-efficient way to do it

Great explanation, thanks!
Is there a way to influence the spread of the api calls on each scraper account? Maybe set a maximum of api calls on each, so they rotate through each scraper faster?

Yes there is, read the main article, part 2


Ah OK, thanks. I tried the rotating days on and off, but it would get to random for me. Now I just set half of my scrapers to 12 hours of the day and the other half to the rest of the day.
I will for sure lower the api calls now, as you mentioned :+1:Thanks!
But I had scrapers hit with the IG crack down, even without any api calls… Maybe time to mix some other random actions in there, but IG will probably figure it out anyway :thinking:

The rotating days setup I did is supposed to randomly pick a day to sleep. The more scrapers you have, the more you can spread out the api calls (by lowering limits). Scraper accounts are bound to die eventually, you can rent a number, and enable 2FA, this will boost it’s trust score.

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Did you check on the nightmode accounts? I switched to that method and set my scrapers in different time intervals but it seems like when doing that setup they dont respect night mode. It is 11:14 right now and account which should run 18-24 already got 400 api calls for today

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If you want to limit API calls, look at the delays not the nightmode. Night mode will help it look more human as it’s going to let it sleep once a week.
If you believe nightmode isn’t working contact support, but remember, the timing you set up for nightmode is the time it’s going to sleep, not the time it’s going to run.

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I just doubled up my scrapers and lowered the settings. Still have a few email verifications, but I run those automatically in Jarvee through the emails pop accounts. So far so good, thanks for the tips :+1:

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How many scrapers:accounts are recommended?


About 2 scrapers per account, if not more

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From my experience I recommend also 2 scrapers for 1 main account as a rule of thumb. It depends on the amount of tools + actions you run on the main account as well as the type of delays you set, if you use them. So you will know exactly by testing and adjusting. In my case it’s more likely 3 scrapers per main account as I use a lot of different tools and actions.

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If you get errors still after doing all the things recommended above, make sure your tag doesn’t have special characters.

My scraper tag was jv-scraper and I got errors until I changed it to scraperjv. I assume that the dash isn’t allowed in the tag for scraper accounts.

Hey man, Should I be getting notifications that the scrapers are performing actions when I set up this way?

The scraper accounts will be working in the background. You will not see any notifications in Summary tab.

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Thanks, thats what I thought

2scrapers per account? So if I have 100 accounts I will need to have 200 scrapers? Thanks

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