[METHOD] Alternative Way to Setup Your Scraper Accounts -JARVEE

Delay all tools when API errors exceed a given value: 30-60 mins when API errors exceeds 10-15 per hour & between 60-400 mins when API errors exceed 100-150 per day

Delay all tools when API calls exceed a given value: 20-40 mins when API errors exceeds 400-600 per hour & between 500-700 mins when API calls exceeds 12000-20000 per day


Enable API imits
Wait between 3000-7000 miliseconds
when api call exceed 10 API call in the last 40-60 seconds

Hope it helps to everyone.



Thanks. Will do when I get home from work
They say daily api success and seem to change when I do actions. Maybe I set it up wrong or should try thr traditional way

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there was a guy on this forum who send cache link for scrapper account so you can easily import them and they worked best for me

Super insightful info on this. thank you

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Did you find out what happened after exporting the most recent successful API Calls?

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Yeah it was weird, The scrapers had been doing api calls and so were my child accounts.
So, I deleted the old scrapers and added some more and redid the settings.

As of now, the scrapers are doing the only calls. So, we shall see what happens. I had 1 scraper to 1 account before. maybe I needed more.

now, trying to work on a better syntax and trying to do a campaign in which posts won’t overlap. trying to keep them from interacting or doing similar actions at the same time.

Hopefully the api thing was my trouble! The one account that survived was doing over 1000 api calls a day at one point. Not sure what the disabled ones were doing

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I’ve scrapers doing 20K API calls per day not dying and got one that did 8 API calls an died.

Let’s wait Instagram update comes (if normal user complain they might adjust their settings) and also MP updates to solve those issues.

20k is a lot. Are you running the scrape tools on the accounts that are doing 20k API calls per day? Was the account that died created by the same account provider?


Yes, same batch

Do your child accounts have “Use Only Embedded browser” or “Use only embedded browser to follow” checked? it it’s using the option “use only eb to follow”, then it makes sense that the accounts are still making API calls.

I hope you will get better results with more scraper accounts and more complex spintax.

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yeah they had the use only eb, all of them. Which is why it’s weird.

Is it only me that but around 400 scrappers every few days from diff providers ?
I am getting many scrappers dieing really fast now.
Any ideas ? I had almost 2 scrappers per 1 account.

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My scrapers die every 1-5 days, and im doing 3-5 scrapers per acc.

Think maybe how many scrapers depends on the actions/needs of your main?
Just running 13 accounts and using 10 scrapers
Mains run about 100-150 follows with low filters, I see scrapers api calls range from 4000 to just under 20000.

What are your guys’ scraper calls? My totals are just under 130000 for the month between 10 scrapers. So on average about 13000 api calls per scraper. All mine got hit with EV on the 28th.

If anyone’s got some stats we can compare and see whats need to stay below the API call limit?

To be honest I turned my PC off last night. All 300 scrapers are inactive and not doing anything. I log back in and 50 receive CAPTCHA.

This leads me to believe the problem is not just API calls, rather the general activity of the account combined with a suspicious account creation method since most methods are now patched

Spend my life right now deleting scrapers and re-adding them

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How to limit scraping in Jarvee so that the accounts are valid all the time, but doing only little api calls? I can’t find an option to limit scraping :confused:

I’m getting tired of email and phone verifications… I’m doing my F/UF manually right now and just need scrapers to stay valid so that the other features work (like, view story, repost).

How many main accounts and scraper accounts do you have? I think adding more scraper accounts will help in your case because JV always picks scrapers with fewer api calls in the last hour. Also uncheck the “delay all tools” options in Advanced settings and check “enable api limits” on your scraper accounts.

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Hello there,
So now I’ve only 1 MASTER account that has the “LIKE TOOL” enabled to set up all the sources (Followers of other accounts / Comments and Like of posts from other accounrds / Hashtags). This like tool extract posts only and send them to the “SAVE POSTS” tool of the same MASTER ACCOUNT. There are 8 SCRAPERS account that do the search for the MASTER ACCOUNT. All the API limits are set and the scrapers have each a PROXY (1 proxy per 2 scrapers). As for now, in the Dashboard summary I sometimes see this line for the main account : “Scrape posts - ‘MASTER ACCOUNT’ scraped X posts and send them to Save”. My question is : why my MASTER account is listed as scraping in JV ??? Is it just a incorrect term in the summary ? I’ve set all the scraping actions to be done by specific account that are tagged with the “scrapers” TAG. I use JV basing subscription plan, this method is working with this insn’t it ? The only ACTIONS done by my MASTER account and “seen” by IG should be the SAVE POSTS isn’t it ? Thanks a lot.

When you started the like tool, you should see:
your master account - extracted x post and send it to xxx
Scraping started using the account xxxxx (your scraper)
Auto Like - active

Your master account is not the one that scraped the post. it’s not an incorrect message either.


Thanks a lot for your answer.
This is what I have for now… It works sometimes and sometimes not (Search took more than 20 minutes…)