šŸ”„ [METHOD]: Send 100's of messages per day or just couple!?

Thank you so much for sharing this template

Amazing, thank you. Didnā€™t know about this. Does anyone know of a software that replicates this?

Thanks a lot for sharing :slight_smile:
So is the basic idea that you will have trouble doing many messages to individual people, but for some reason you are allowed to do fewer messages to many people? Am I understanding correctly? Is this just some sort of oversight from Facebook against ā€˜spammingā€™?

If anything it seems easier to just message many in one go, without the need for unique content each time (despite the time involved with copy and pasting names).
Again, thanks for the tip!

Yeah. If you try to message 100 people separately with exact same message youā€™ll most probably end up being blocked. But if you add 100 of them in a group and send message, thatā€™s fine :smile:


Fantastic. And I find that surprising itā€™s allowed. So they can just be random people too that your profile isnā€™t friends with? How warmed up do you recommend the account to be? (E.g. age, number of friends, group/page activitiesā€¦)

And is it worth doing some ā€˜warming upā€™ of those messages, e.g. over like a week just build up from messaging only one or a few people, to then building up to 100 people?

Damn i have in mind something cool. Since you can extract people from posts you can target people who had shown interest in lets say AD of a product/service and ā€œlet them know about a better offerā€. I might try that out.

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Use fake profiles, churn & burn :slight_smile:

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If you use open office it will open sorted without the mess you see in OP , you donā€™t have to replace the commaā€™s with semicolons at allā€¦

Is there a way to filter group members on the countries they reside in?

Thanks for sharing such information. :slight_smile:

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In the private message, will the recipients see that itā€™s a message sent to many other people (like a group message) or will they only see it as a message to them?

Yes there is https://www.facebook.com/search/PAGEIDHERE/likers/LOCATIONIDHERE/home-residents/intersect

Use this link to find any page ID


Thanks for the first link. What is Location ID and how do we find different location IDs to use?

You would need to search similar page like this https://www.facebook.com/pages/United-States/11246309210212112 for locations as thereā€™s no other way to do it.

11246309210212112 = is the locationID for USA

Type in a city in the facebook search bar. And look at places. Select the place, for instance San Francisco. When you click on it and check out the codes in the browser you see this one. 114952118516947. Thatā€™s the location ID for San Francisco.

Itā€™s explained in the How to extract members guide.


Really clever method, thanks!

While executing this method I ran into this error quite alot before sending.
ā€œMessage not send, the person isnā€™t available right nowā€

How did you tackled this issue?

Some profiles do not accept PMā€™s. If just one of them is on the list, message canā€™t be sent. Thatā€™s the hard part, you need to track down that user and remove it from the list.

Thatā€™s the pain in the ass part! :weary:

I double check right now before adding them to the list and delete them in advance, I just canā€™t stand going back and forth through the list itā€™s too tedious for me!

Yeah, thatā€™s one big problemā€¦ but I donā€™t see any automatic solution for it.

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That works for pages, but not for groups

Is there any way to target people that like certain page from certain country? And please post explanation which ID i use where :slight_smile: Thanks people i tested online tools but seems itā€™s not working or whatever.