Monetizing with Instagram, YouTube & Tik Tok

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

I already watched out many times for topics on Tik Tok, but found almost nothing here. The idea of an project with Tik Tok as core element of monetization came up when I took a look at the Google Play Store and realized that the app Tik Tok was on position 2 at the top apps, right behind Instagram. That was mind blowing! So I did my research on this. I heard about it before and thought it was an app for kids and mainly asian audience - Not at all! As Tik Tok is working hard on having an older audience than before. That way you can clearly see the motivation behind Tik Tok to monetize it.

All I can say is, the potential is HUGE as the audience is big, growing by a massive amount of new users everyday and the audience is getting older (good for monetization).


When you think about it for a second its actually not a big surprise. What happened when Instagram released Videos for the first time, stories, live videos and now IGTV? They skyrocketed. The times of Instagram as an photography platform are long gone. Videos are dominating and Tik Tok is based on videos which is smart now.

Now I want to make use of the potential and looking for a way to monetize with the trending platform. I have the feeling hardly noone knows how to monetize with that platform because it popped out so quickly. Not even Tik Tok itself has a clear monetization strategy like Instagram as far as I know. They trying different things, but in the next months and years they will be for sure floating a lot of money.

Maybe its not easy to earn money on this platform this days as it will be in 1-2 years when all the strategies will be released and everybody is “hopping on the train” like with Instagram. But imagine, you would have created an youtube channel in 2006-2008 and uploaded good content regularly until now. Imagine you would have started with client management with Instagram in 2011. How many clients could you possibly manage today and how big could your agency be? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think Tik Tok is the holy grail and I won’t think that Tik Tok will get more popular than Instagram but I’m pretty sure it will be very present in the future.

Here are some of my ideas:

I thought about making 10-20 Instagram pages reposting Tik Tok videos of other IG pages. As they are trending they should grow pretty good.

At the same time creating a YouTube Channel uploading compilations of Tik Tok videos. The potential of getting a ton of views when you upload regularly (best everyday) is big. There are few channels started 1-2 months ago having now over 40-50k followers and good amount of views. So getting the numbers for the YouTube partnership should not take years.

Earnings can be trough Google AdSense / video ads. Thats the most tricky part I think because of the strict policy of YouTube nowadays. But I have seen few channels during my research which are doing it very smart.

You can start re-uploading videos of existing compilations, so your videos are more likely not be striked. You can mention everyone included in the video like he is doing:

When nobody in the video included says something against the video, it can be monetized. Thats how I understood but please correct me when I’m wrong.

And when this videos can’t be monetized I have another option. You could offer your instagram audience to “make them famous” with shoutouts in a compilation of your next YouTube videos. The bigger / the more pages you have the more and the better videos you will get. Thats a big advantage of this niche: A lot of the users are still kids and teenagers. So they are in most cases not one of the people complaining about reposting their videos. Quite the reverse, they want the attention!

Depending on how big your Instagram pages are you could even charge money for the shoutouts, but I thats another story so lets concentrate on making copy right friendly videos first.

I know many people said and will say its not that easy to get the partnership and monetize on Youtube this days. So I also thought about getting an aged YouTube account with followers, videos and watch time or even with monetization already enabled. So I could test better and update you if it works to monetize that way.

Thats it for the moment. In case I forget to mention something of my thoughts I will add it here or bellow.

Do you have some tips on creating the videos copy right and monetization friendly? I’m looking forward for every tip you have and let’s discuss together about the topic :slight_smile:


omg honeslty just waaw your mindset is a monster buddy

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Thank you mate :slight_smile:
What do you think about monetizing compilations?

I think the best way to make copy right friendly compilations is to use videos without music and give the creators of the videos no reason to flag you.

That’s why, in addition to the Watermarks, I thought about creating a list of usernames and / or using the link that leads directly to their Tik Tok profile and inserting it into the description. Another idea is to insert the exact position in the video with minutes next to it. So it’s more of a promotion than a repost to people.

Of course, it is more work considering that a Tik Tok video takes 15 seconds and a compilation takes 10-20 minutes. But better put in a bit more work and reduce the chances of being flagged in the long term. But it does not mean that you have this job over again. You can keep all videos in a folder and credits in an Excel spreadsheet and use them later. For example, in a different order, combined with new videos, etc.

Tiktok videos without music will be useless i think. since all videos are just lipsync of original songs ( those are already copyrighted on YT )

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I’m not talking about cutting out the music of videos, I’m talking about using the videos which don’t got music already. Meme / Funny video compilations are very popular and the viral potential is insane.

okay. that makes sense.
Needs lots of research and scrolling. since most of the videos are lipsync.

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Yeah I realized.
Lots of research for finding new videos. But when you found new videos which will fit in the category you can use them in multiple compilations. And another method to save time would just to go on YouTube and use the videos which already were used and which have credits as a watermark. Then you just have to search for the link and you have content.

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But for searching you can use hashtags too. Maybe there are some hashtags which are directing more or less to non-music videos.

I personally think it’s too much work for little earnings, but maybe if you find a way to automate most of it, it can worth, I don’t know.

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Little update from the Play Store

Loving your dedication, crazy @roy
Keep going man!!!

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Thank you mate! Appreciate your support! :muscle:

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Very interesting idea, there is so much unused potential in connecting platforms together!

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Yeah youre right! @Doozy And keep in mind: Two of the platforms mentioned above are based on video and Instagram, with stories, live videos and now IGTV more and more too. It’s keeping the users in the platform and increasing engagement because this is way more personal than photo.

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Tiktok majority of the audience is Asia. . not exactly big spending teenagers

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Im not about to sell something to this people, monetization will be done with YouTube / Google AdSense

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Some interesting stats on the US demopcraphics.

I agree with you that a big part of the users are from Asia, but obviously Tik Tok wants to expand and is doing this pretty good. Moreover Asia includes China and Japan which is very welcome :slight_smile:

The trend of Tik Tok is more presence on the Tier 1 sector and having an older audience then musically before. Tik Tok wants to get the well paying people into the platform.

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My question is how businesses are going to start incorporating it into their social marketing… I mean right now it’s still so focused on like content and very individual/personally branded. I wonder if brands/businesses will every find value in creating and maintaining their own page, or if it will just be more mainly a paid ad avenue for businesses similar to snapchat. Definitely will be chiming in soon… anyone see a future of growth hacking Tik Tok with some software or no?