As someone who got an account today, what are basic things I should be doing daily to increase engagement?
I expected thousands of views, but currently my max is 400
As someone who got an account today, what are basic things I should be doing daily to increase engagement?
I expected thousands of views, but currently my max is 400
Like only posts in your niche, ignore others. Er is based your views.the details cannot be explained just like Insta, a lot of research is needed. Kinda like saying how to grow followers on insta
I think that TT i much more addictive then IG in it’s early days, i mean you can spend 2-3 hours easy on TT the platform is very easy to use and the scrolling is much more addictive when you are watch videos and no pics involved the only down side is the users age mostly they are between 14 to 22, but i think it’s gonna change in the next few years, as Gary vee says TikTok and LinkedIn TikTok and LinkedIn TikTok and LinkedIn
Everyone young and old is going to move to this platform because of one thing…exposure/views. Facebook used to be the shiznit because it would show to all your friends and their friends…but now look at it. They have cut that down and you have to pay for it. Instagram also owned by FB, is headed down the same path. It will continue to be this way and people will continue to switch, especially each generation, until they cut your exposure. Also Instagram is cutting their own head off by not allowing bots. On to the next Social Media Network that will allow it right? People are too addicted to being famous, and we all watch and are addicted to seeing what they are going to do next.
not true – it’s because it is the ‘IN’ thing to do. Many join and don’t care about them.
It still commands 80% percent of the market – Facebook, Insta. Whatsapp. Everybody fighting for it. Not everyone is a marketer. 99 percent of the people on it our targets.
This does not make any sense. ALL platforms do it. It’s us vs. them.
I seen people get on tiktok, try to get success and when they find you need good content, botting don’t work at all. f/u don’t work. Content and the account must be worked on every day – taking more resources that all others put together, they go back to the platform of Insta/Facebook or what ever.
I don’t want to be that guy who’s saying: “I knew it” but I saw that coming 1 year ago
The younger people are always building the next big social media for reach until the older demographics with the money and the businesses hop on the train. Instagram was #1 for some years, just like Facebook back than. This platforms are squeezing the monetization after few years and the organic reach gets lower and lower. We kind of see the pattern again.
TikTok is not a magic bullet. Gains are wild easy compared to others, it is not automatic as many come to believe. There is two inherit problems with TikTok right off the bat. One, low follower reach UNLESS you build a community for that account. Yes, it’s good to go on fyp page all the time, but unless ones spends the time to build a community for that account – it for all practical purposes – becomes worthless.
Second, if are only on fyp, you don’t build nothing but a high follower count page that does not engage
Folks, you can have a million followers on TikTok, if your followers don’t stay loyal and you engage – be it for a business/product/etc your reach among home is piss poor. Lives are critical for success.
I rather have a 100k dead insta account than a 100k tiktok account becuase things being even – that dead 100k account will have more reach at home than the 100k TikTok account – UNLESS you build that community.
Its not neccessary the IN thing for older people to go to a younger audience platform. That is changing because it is the ENGAGEMENT they are getting that is causing them to move. Just like from FB to IG. Now it is moving to TikTok. It may command 80% now…but you will see TikTok taking more and more of that.
As far as the Bot comment not making any sense…sounds like you know it all and are the expert. But in my opinion people move to whatever is easiest. People are lazy and they want the path of least resistance. You can say that it doesnt make any sense…but I see it everyday with hundreds/thousands of clients. I can assure you F/UF is working and followback % is bigtime even when targeting big accounts. I do agree however that content must be done everyday for you to get more exposure and chances of going viral are greater… but most people just don’t do that.
tiktok was mostly under 18 – now 18 to 35 on up, when you have friends out of college going to tiktok, it’s the in in.
of course, you would be blind not to see that, btw – this goes directly opposed to what you said that first post. Make up your mind
no, i never said I was THE expert. However amassing 4.1 million followers( 4 years), high ER, few accounts, non disabled perm, botted and not botted – i kinda know a few things. I just don’t happen to agree with your logic( they want bots! – your logic)
No shit sherlock, doesn;t take a brain scientist to figure that out. I f/u for 3 years till i don’t need it.
please tell me your credentials – anyone here can vouch for those claims I made…
I also was on the same train with you. When the views on your videos rise, you are addicted to it.
So, based on what you said here. Please, tell us, how do you build a community. Do you start with a brandable, general name, logo and phrasing of how you speak to the audience?
Can you be more specific?
Community is converting followers to be a part of you. It is by doing lives at least 1 hour a day or every two days. It is showing who you are. There are videos hours long on this and it must be studied. You may not like my reply but it is the truth – it is not easy, takes work and you must learn. Do you understand you want quick and simple answers to your question? I am not side stepping the issue.
Just that topic is a entire course –
Man, I don’t stray away from the hustlers’ mentality. I just needed to know what I should do.
So, they need to know who’s behind the brand? And then they are a bit more engaged to buy what you’re selling?
Also in lives what do they want you to do?
I’m a bit newbie in TikTok, seems like you got it a bit figured out.
i don’t have shit figured out. I been TikTok only a few months and spend hours a week learning.
Insta is easy – things can be replicated. TikTok is not, it’s based on videos. I grow on tiktok, not in the hundreds of thousands or millions but in the low 10k. TikTok is also part time from, insta is my main focus. I give broad replies to topics I am JUST understand that thing I must mention – to you or anyone else.
In order for anyone to help – the person giving the help cannot by words give you a what or how. They need to see yhe account, they need to see the analytical. You want the lazy approach, show me, tell me, teach me – in a few words. I am telling you – i can’t, nobody can. Get the Instagram(or what ever) mentality out of your mind, it is tiktok, new ways of thinking
“Also in lives what do they want you to do?”
jesus, watch some –
At the end of the day, people want to follow a real person, someone they consider a friend. Build a community by becoming their friend
Sure thing! I will try to open live and interact with them even if I didn’t do that before.
100%! People overthink it way too often. Just put yourself in the potential follower’s shoes and you will succeed
I don’t necessarily like to get into a pissing match but for credentials…lets see here:
I have helped my clients get 4 million followers (adding together) in less than a WEEK.
I have done this since Feb of 2015 (longer than you)
I have worked with over 100k+ clients with social media
Financially Independent…I enjoy what I do…yet don’t have to do it
Love the internet cause it always changing
Online marketing Guru
The list can go on…
However, I still will listen to what you have to say, or anyone for that matter, as I will always continue to learn. I will even learn from people that don’t have the “CREDIBILITY”… but I am not going to say condescending things to them at the same time…because I am not better than anyone. But I was not making my OWN comments here to get in an argument (with you or anyone else)…they are just my opinions…which we are all entitled to. Just don’t want someone coming at me like I don’t know what I am talking about from my OWN experiences.
well, excellent job. I pointed out one fact nobody argues with you do. You say insta wants the bots. well, if you haven’t looked around lately. This entire industry has been efected with insta’s war on bots. possibly you live on a part of earth insta loves botting, not where.the rest of us live You lost credibility when you said GURU. have a good day. –