This method has a much more steep curve in terms compared to a “Client management” service, you’ll need various tools (mostly custom or paid) to suit your needs or have people working for you to churn out data that is important. Also considering the hours you need to put into these account would be exponentially much higher than a regular single account, burning way more data meaning way more sources that you need to look into. All of this tiny details can take up A LOT of time, considering you’ve not yet factor into the optimisations which brings me back to “custom tools” being needed. Different people will have different ways of approach which I will not get into it, but here’s the general idea of what is needed to run a successful mother/slave operation.
Just some of my thought, I was getting rejected by a lot of people who reached out to me before june. And after june everyone seems to flood in with request, and I rejected those who have unrealistic expectation, here’s what I mean by unrealistic expectation.
- They think that mother slave has some sort of guarantee to it and it’s a god-like method of growth that solves all problem. IG is constantly changing and everyone have to adapt.
- Expect 100% uptime and wants some sort of “numbers” to be achieved.
- Cheap, fast and good - This is probably one of the most highlighted to me, I would think that this mindset came from F/UF services which are called “Client Management” which broke the market since two years ago with people offering as low as 2$/Month for such services.
I’m not embarrass in the slightest to say that I get laughed or hanged up on for asking 20$/account.
How much margin do you guys think those providers who manages the slave accounts earn with charging 4-5$ per account, I’d say “Not enough for them to care about”. It’s as simple as plug and play settings, doesn’t matter how much growth or targeting you achieve, they promise what they do and they deliver which is setting up and running accounts.
If you’re looking for such services then 4-5$ I would say it’d be worth the price, if some providers are charging 10$ or more there’s some margin of error or compensation of some sort which they offer so in an unfortunate event you do NOT get completed raped of your growth or have another solution in place to make sure that the service still continues. (Reason why most providers close shop)
Considering you’ve to constantly improve and as well as add value to your service, now in the age of social media marketing you can no longer provide just “growth”. Value is everything, people who just solely provide growth are slowly quitting the game because people aren’t just reaching out to them anymore due to them being “slow”, or “not worth it” or “this provider doesn’t understand what I need”, they do not reinvest into things that are important to them(tools). A true service provider who understand will constantly innovate and provide more value to their clients.
Providers on the lower-end pricing would have tons of clients and huge waiting list, providers on the higher-end might not have waiting list and only accepts clients who understand the value of the service.
I’m not saying the higher pricing always is better or more “quality”, what I’m trying to say is think about process of different services and listen to key points of what the service is about. With such mindset it can be used to relate to anything, would you prefer to pay more with uber or use a less known app for transportation to only wait 30mins later for someone to accept your ride.
Also, in 2019/2020 people will look into “CONSISTENCY” rather than “QUALITY/GROWTH”. Because consistency in any service industry is the most important factor. So those of you with those “High number growth” or “High quality growth” should re look into thinking how is it different now rather than still living in 2017.
Just my 2 cents and educating people who are looking into these methods for growth.