📣 My experience, my viewpoint API update, 508 block

Perhaps my experience will help some people and perhaps some people will be able to help me.
As the situation currently stands I am not sure how much longer F/U is a viable strategy.
IG seems to be winning the war.
JV et al has not been able to update the API to work properly and it has been over 4 months.
It just seems JV should have all of the developers working on the API, instead of giving us update after update with 20 – 30 fixes that does not address the main API problem.
I would venture to guess that 95% of us could really care less about the latest Pintrest fix.

I have been fighting the blocks for 4 months now and at least 70% of my accounts are not functioning properly or not at all.
Every day seems to present new and different problems.
I have tried innumerable solutions with moderate success.
(logout/login, change proxies, clear cookies, reset device IDs, resting the account, adding multiple intervals to the settings, adding story views, adding likes, only doing F/U, use only EB setting and on and on)
The last couple of weeks 508 and 116 are occurring daily.
116 seems to go away, but 508 will not.
I had been solving 508 by logging out and back in as a temporary solution, but that does not seem to be working now.
508 has basically shut down 70% of my accounts.
My layman’s guess is until JV is able to make the API work properly, I am going to have virtually no success.
I have heard the API update should be out in 2 weeks, which probably means 4 weeks and then another 2 weeks to work out the bugs once it is released.
And then we can only hope that it solves the problems.

I have all client accounts and I use different mobile proxies only with EB
Even the accounts that are located in Los Angeles and have Los Angeles based proxies are receiving the 508.

Yesterday, I activated several accounts after resting them for 2 days and all received 508 blocks after following less than 20 people.

So, for right now, my testing continues.
Today I am going to try a longer rest period.
The 508 registers only as a temporary block, but perhaps 3 days of rest is needed as I know sometimes IG blocks for 3 days.
Even though 508 does not say it is a 3 day block, perhaps 3 days of rest is needed.
I am only going to follow or unfollow - no likes or story views, nothing else.
I have checked the box to NOT emulate human behavior
I also checked Disable Auto Synch.
I do not know if the synching function is some type of activity, but it registers in the dashboard so I am assuming that it counts some type of activity
(API activity? I have no idea)

If anyone is also exclusively managing client accounts and is avoiding 508, I would sincerely been interested in their solution.
I read the boards and test every day, so if others are being successful please post – I would appreciate the insight.

If anyone is interested, I will post my testing with the 3 day rest period.


There are many threads in the sales forum.
Where people will show you how to bypass these blockages and do 150-200 F / U per day.
Of course, for a fee.


How do I access the sales forum?

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Yes, I have read through some of the offers and it is fairly expensive. In the spirit of this forum, it would be nice if they could share some of their knowledge if they are actually able to solve these blocks.:slight_smile: I have been working and testing for weeks and weeks .


You can get 3 hours of consulting with @ciras for $270 - that’s less than 3 clients… doesn’t seem that expensive to me if 70% of your accounts aren’t functioning


Yes, very true!
If he could guarantee that he could solve my issues it would be money well spent.
In the spirit of this forum, it would be nice if they could share some of their knowledge if they are actually able to solve these blocks
Are you not experiencing any 508 blocks at all?
If so, how are you solving these blocks?

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man, notting offense but I wrote you DM with similar interests but I haven’t got any reply. Well

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I’ve had the exact same issue with the 508. Most recent leading to an AC which I’m currently waiting out. I’ve tried all of the same things you have with the same poor results. I’ve started to see what else is out there aside from F/U

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Let me know if you explore any other strategies with success.
I have just begin learning about IG Story ads, but I have not done any testing yet.

Sent you a DM. I will be glad to share any knowledge I have, but I am still struggling to solve the 508 myself!

@Actor_Contact Not sure if this is our case but:

"a 5xx Server error would mean a way of describing an error in executing an HTTP request. This error might be as a result of network error or web server problems when executing said HTTP Request. A layman understanding of this will be that the server of the particular website/services you’re seeing the error message on has a server problem"

  • 500 Internal Server Error
  • 501 Not Implemented
  • 502 Bad Gateway
  • 503 Service Unavailable
  • 504 Gateway Timeout
  • 505 HTTP Version Not Supported
  • 506 Variant Also Negotiates
  • 507 Insufficient Storage
  • 508 Loop Detected :point_left:
  • 509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
  • 510 Not Extended
  • 511 Network Authentication Required

The error messages you’re most likely to get on Instagram are 501, 502 and 503 errors and unfortunately, you can’t do anything about these error messages. This is because the problem isn’t from your device or internet connection, rather it is from Instagram servers.

So, basically if this is the case, to solve the error 508 you could try to run a very low number of actions per hour and try to randomise it as much as possible. Also make sure to have this two Unchecked.


Thanks for the info - I appreciate it.
However, on some accounts I receive the 508 after only 2 or 3 follows and I have added numerous intervals throughout the day to randomize as much possible. Unfortunately it has not seemed to help, but at this point I am trying anything that has worked for others, so thank you for your input.

Also, I have unchecked the human behavior boxes - again, no help at all.


I hope that’s not the most common scenario. To me that looks like flagged accounts / low score, probably that ones will need deeper measures, as rest, change IP, device, and cookies (maybe even delete them from J and add them again with new IP). Although that’s a bit extreme (same as getting the 508 after 3 follows I guess… :slight_smile: )

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Only a couple of accounts have gotten blocked right away and that is not the norm.
My current test is to rest the accounts longer, but some of these accounts are aged, but just began automation with and with a VERY conservative warm-up period (only like 5 follows per day and adding 2 more each day)
So, I am not sure an extended rest period will help as these accounts have not even been automated for very long.
Are you not experiencing any 508 blocks on your client accounts?

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Not really, just checked, 2 acc got it today, but it was gone alone and they finished the 200 follows / day without any problems…

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As an outsider looking in and reading this I dont understand why you’d risk your whole business and income rather than pay someone what is a pretty small amount in the scheme of things to spend hours of their time solving your specific problems?

The expectation you appear to have is that someone will just inbox you a magic fix? I don’t think anything happening is that simple. Best of luck though and I admire your perseverance. It’d be a shame to lose everything.


Wow, that’s great.
Are these client accounts?
If so, do your clients login at the same time you are working on the account?
Are you using your own proxies?

Where is the sales forum I don’t see it.

Need to be lvl2 for that