Nearly gave up, returned and am getting results

Good job without a slave! Thanks for showing this is possible though with the right techniques.

Oh yes I agree itā€™s fairly easy with 1. But Iā€™d be trying to run 3 for a 1:1 ration on 3 main accounts.

For anyone looking to setup a scraper for a main account. There is a nice blog/tutorial post on the J website. It was added this month. Super easy to follow and setup.

Edit: I donā€™t believe posting links to their website is allowed. But just google ā€œHow To Use The API Full Emulation For The Follow/Unfollow Toolsā€ . This of course is a tutorial on how to properly enable the ā€œAPI Full Emulationā€ option. But it also describes setting up the main/scraper relationship in detail.


I am not an expert, but i believe you would be very safe running 3:1 on 4g

Thanks for adding that bro

I think that is not true. My best account is from SouthAmerica, proxy in france, she is the only account never got a simple 508, no ACs, No hard block, If all muy account were like that one I could go to the Caribe and not to watch my pc. She publish locally, proxy is in Paris.

Honestly, she may be very lucky, some accs are strong and get away with shit. In my opinion i would want the proxies in the same location as the acc owner.

Try the setting i have said and make sure main acc does 1 action, only follow.

Test it, if fails, try new proxy, possibly find a trial for USA 4g and see if its better.

your hipotesis sounds very logical.

I am not talking about slave and main accounts. I think is the best way to work, even if we scrape with other scraper services or a list of targets.

I am talking about filtersā€¦ I am using only EB, it is not working api or ful api emulation for me, BUT somethimes a get a temporaly block in the plataform, but if I go into the browser (no EB) any browser, or by the app, I am able to do actions. So api calls are a ā€œbot discoveredā€



Yes change the filters and see if it improves, im only testing things now, but thanks for the positive reply.
If you have a good service for scraping could you PM me it please, as my scraper takes up a spot, i would like to scrape from another program if possible.
And yes, some have success with API other EB, short term API might get less blocks and be safer, but API calls can be tracked and possible mass bans for API user, its a hypothesis as you say, but in theory it should be correct, i am fully open to be wrong though if anyone can provide some info.



Im thinking, im in south America myself, i wonder if location matters on how much youre monitored, for instance if i knew NYC has 1000 4g proxies running IG should or is putting more resources into crawling people from the NYC location.
I know if it was my business i would do that, im wondering if choosing 4G in a hot area is a bad idea.

Just thoughts

So far (since Dec 2016) this did not have a negative effect on the accounts as long as the infrastructure and logic behind the network is proper management and designed by the proxy provider.

Besides that I am happy to you showed some people itā€™s not all grey and things still work. They never believe me when I say it :slight_smile:


You should use 4g or even residential proxies, closer where the account is used mostly of the time; just to avoid your clients does get the messege that the account was opened in other place (that would freak them up).

In mine personal experience working with NON automatized accounts, In a business account it is completly possible that your HQ are in NY, and one of comercial agencies is out of the country; so the account could be opened in Paris (for example), I have never been bloked or got AC for that, but yes I have been adviced when the account has been opened in diferent place where the account is open mostly of the time; It is a security matter, not anti-bot matter.

So is not about location of your proxies (for business accounts) it is about were the actions are mostly made, as where the content is upload, analizing an historical behavor.

(IG does not work for corporative accounts YET like FB, but they would have to launch that).

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I think one of the problems these days are api calls like you said in your post, so avoiding any actions from your main account it is a way to goal in automatization.

Another big issue is VISUAL ENGAGEMENT, we think this is how IG find bots, and it is what IG is trying to get rid.

They want people plugged as much as you possible, and as they did with FB, they show you what you espect to see.

I wrote a post about it, I Will appreciatte ir you read it, I would like to hear what you think.

We are testing a tool made by our selves, that it do actions (not scrapping) like a human, almost like pushing AND clicking the links by the app. You need one smart phone per account.

Any automatization tool which is not taking care on visual engagement, It is a short term tool. Easy, any bot that do 300 actions per day but the account activity indicate you less than two minutes, is not going to last.

I will send my email by PM

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Location of proxy and account has never mattered. You can ask any knowledgable proxy seller. The proxies we use are from all over the world, and we rotate them without issue. Been doing it that way for approx 2 years.

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Based on experience form the last few months, it has shifted towards trust score. How they measure it I have no idea. The last few weeks, accounts with either 4g or DC works fine for some. A few, no matter what proxy I use, cant follow more than 5-10 ppl a day. The lowest engagement account is one of the ones running smoothly on a 4g proxy under 0.3 engagement, probably the one account Iā€™ve had for years that I spam the crap out of.

It just doesnt make sense. Some clients cant make any actions despite just the ocassional upload. Some go on a few times a day, post stories, maybe like 5 follows/likes a week, and they run smooth.

Cannot find the pattern at all - what makes an account run and doesnt?
All EB no API, no scraper for any tho I might try via another program and paste into the account in J as I need all the spots availableā€¦


@RobbyAnalog do you think it is useful to use one slave for each master or will it be possible to scrape with one acc for a few? what are your speed settings regarding delays?

Thank you for the reply, and great info about 4G, will save me alot of hassles.
And im still going strong, hopefully others are having success

I believe the same about visual engagement, i even think browsing the account and not liking anything for an hour a day helps with security.

Thanks for the great posts, alot of good information

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Sorry guys was away this weekend but all ran smooth. Answer to above question is yes i use 1:1 scraper to main, BUT im only running 1 acc at the moment, the scraper can scrape much faster than needed, you could potentially scrape 3 niches with 1 slave in a day, depends how fresh you want your targets, but more than one is possible.

The ultimate goal would be to find software that does the scraping to be imported into whatever the software we are using, then we save a free slot on our software if you get my drift.


10 USD? I think you should increase your offer :sweat_smile:

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