New Method to Drive Traffic from Facebook

Ok guys I am not an expert to write better tutorials but this method has been working for me since 2013. And I gonna going to share with you.

We are gonna learn in this method to rank your comments in big fb pages as well as how to drive traffic to your website with this method almost instantly.

Note : If you do everything right as I mentioned below you will be able to drive insane amount of traffic within few hours.

Here are the steps to rank your comment :

Step 1

Take a big fb page or multiple pages in your niche like them and in the page notification settings you should choose follow default option to see first. This will allow that page show immediately to you when that big page post anything on their wall.

Tip : you can only allow SEE FIRST POST to 25 pages only per account.

Step 2

Once you like 25 pages as SEE FIRST POSTS then you will see these pages posts will show you in news feed. But there is problem with this thing. Whenever you sroll down your liked posts will show after several minutes later and we dont want that.

It is important that your comment needs be first comment on that perticular post or maybe within top 10 comments. You stand for better chance to show your comment to the people and once they see it they will like it even they reply to your comments.

Now I have discussed about the problem. I have solution for this too. But you need to atick with your browser abd continuously refresh the pages. You will see those page post timing as JUST NOW. This is what we want to rank in the top 2 comments. If you are on mobile then it will be much better for you.

Step 3

Write a comment immediately when you see a post from big pages before anyone else do. You need to comment related to the post or related to the subject. Write entertaining comments which users wanna like your comment. Be interesting that’s the trick here. You can literally drive 1000’s of likes on you comment. You may also see many people will send you friend request to you.

Step 4

The more likes you get the better you will rank, the better you will rank more people will see your comment and more people will be interested in what you are saying.

Note : They say you need both like and more replies to rank in number one spot. But from my side it’s big no no from me. What you need is more likes, it doesn’t matter how many replies you got.

Step 5

Don’t spam. Yes you heard it right. Don’t rank your comment each and everytime on the same page. Don’t always comment with your link you will get blocked by the facebook for commenting links. Keep it safe use only 2-3 links per account. Or you can use other method like creating unique hashtag send that traffic to that perticular page.

Step 6

Example comment which i ranked number one in a page post.

" Hit like if you think Michael Jackson is the best dancer in the world."

This one single comment gave me 2000 likes and hundreds of replies within 8 hours.

This is just one of my many different comment. You can experiment with your own comments and test which comments brings you more like and websute visits.

Ok guys, I need to stop here. I hope you enjoyed my post. Reply to this post if you have any questions about this. I will try my best to answer you. Thank you all.


To solve this problem in a different way, just use this link:

You will see the feed of all the pages you liked,
and if you refresh it,
you’ll see the posts from those pages.


Exactly. You are right benny! This exact method i used to see big page posts as JUST NOW. This is very much important part to rank your comment.

wow thanks for the share !

gonna test it later + make a short review here

maybe move it to vip ?


i commented with my facebook page but no one can see my comment? checked it with a 2nd FB acc … comment is just ghosted


Did you commented within first 5 comments? If yes then you have write an interesting comment that people would like your comment. Once they like it you automatically get shown to other users then they also like your comment. This way you will rank within top 2 comments.

If you haven’t commented within first five comments then you should get like and more human eye balls on your comment. It will get lost in other hundreds of comments.

Try something people should like your comment.

Pro tip : Pre-write your comment and post it before anyone else. But you need to be related to your topic or niche otherwise no one gonna like you.

Here is some inspiration for you. I have ranked this comment and got more than 320 likes within few hours many replies. This is just one comment imagine if you many comments like this how much traffic you will drive! Here is the link

That’s me Vishal Pawar at number comment.

i can see this working great for sure. Just like my yt upvote bot :slight_smile:

Do you have any facebook comment liker bot? It will be great if you have it one. Let us know any bots like that.

Can you elaborate more how exactly are you driving this traffic to your website in this way?

1 Like

Yeah, how are you getting traffic out of this? Or is the idea you hope they like your profile and you advertise on there?

I think the problem of this method is how to let the viewer become a visitors as you don’t post a link,I think it is not easy to do that,any ideas?

you can use hashtag or 1 link of the Facebook link to you want

did you in fact try that yourself with this method or you are just saying what you think it may work?

1 Like

Facebook is now hiding links from most users in the group.
Even being links to your profile or #hashtag.
I’m having this unfortunate experience lately from people saying they can not see links or posts on my profile.

Not only did they decrease the reach of pages, but also of profiles postings.

Can you tell me which bot you use for yt?