"no more results found for follow sources"

seems a bit drastic, be cautious

feels like a jarvee bug…there is no real reason for this to happen

That’s not going to solve the issue.

Who ever is having that issue, please get in touch with support and they will check everything with you and help you out.

posting in the forum won’t help, even if a solution worked for someone, it’s not going to work for you because there are different cases. Unless you are lucky of course and have the same exact issue.

The issue is pretty much the same for everyone right now. Api blocks during the scraping process. Right now the only cure is time but the exact cause is still up for debate.

Should also be mentioned I’ve seen many report contacting support since this started on Tuesday with no response.

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still when api scrape is blocked, no need to ERROR all sources, it can rise a flag somewhere.

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…it’s really not the time for this to happen


Check sources and add more profiles

We reply to all emails we get, we don’t ignore any.

Send me the email you used to contact us in a private message so I can see what happened there.

I always get answered.
But not all the answers make sense. I am having 100’s of accounts, so suggested sulotion now is to change ALL acoounts configurations ? this is not making any sense.
I use:


And have many many users with “no more sources”. this is something new, what can I do ?


Contacting support only get generic responses… but no real solution. So to tell people that posting in the forum isnt going to get you a solution is 100% bs, and not even sure why you said that. You know how many problems get solved by us helping each other out because support either takes forever to respond, or just gives us a generic answer?

And No, I’m not talking down on your support. But for you to reply saying some foolishness about posting in the forum isnt going to help, is straight up misleading.


Very true :raised_hands:t3: 123

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A possible thing to check that may fix this…

I had my list of banned words in the filters in the wrong section. It was in the usernames MUST have these worlds instead of the MUST NOT

As soon as I changed that everything works!

Worth a look if you are still having issues

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I am having this issue for “specific users” using the embedded browser (its a pre-scraped list from before, not currently scrapping).

Tried the clone thing. Tried almost everything I can think of except reinstalling. Pulling my hair out


Look for the error code, it might that the scrapper (althogh you have specific users, JV will scrape some data out of the account ) is on PV ?

Guys anyone find a solution?
After the new update today. Plenty of my accounts are facing this problem now. No more results found for source! Adding tons of new source turning off all filters still don’t not able to find a single source to follow!!


Yes we are having this issue as well - non stop.

Have tried everything that we can think of - nothing will fix it.

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Software seems to be falling apart slowly but surely… :confused:

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It’s IG, i’ve contacted support and followed all their advices about this. It’s IG stopping your scraping. you just need to rest the account time to time during the day and you will see it will work. also slow down actions per hour. It looks like they have limits on scraping because of Api calls… frustrating I have 3 accounts scraping and they are not enough for 3k story view per day.


so best solution is addding more and more scrappers ?