Not performing follows today

What’s good everyone,

Noticed today that a lot of accounts aren’t performing any follows… they just stay at 0 like this for some reason:


Proxies are all working fine & I can manually go into the EB and successfully follow someone but the tool isn’t even attempting to follow anyone today.

Likes & story views working without issue.

Would appreciate any advice.


EDIT: Some accounts were running actions fine (had completed around 50 follows) until around 3 hours ago and now even they have stopped performing actions completely. But no errors. Really strange.


Invalid sources? Global nightmode? What does the info sign say?

I had the same, You just need to stop actions on this account in jv for 24 hours and reset cookies

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Sources are all good, no nightmode enabled. The info sign doesn’t say anything at all :thinking:

Ah okay, and then they started running cations again successfully?

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Yes, after about 24 h everything worked ok.

I’m having the same problem today. Jarvee is not executing follows.
Everything is in order, no blocks, enough sources.
Most curious.


whats everyone using here api or eb?

I’m only using EB. Never had this before.

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I’m using some on EB and some on API - issue persists on both.

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I used Api before, now i switched to EB and everything works ok

Same thing happening here!

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I remember it back in the day like a year ago the same thing happened. Jarvee fixed it in the next update. So possibly again?

Jarvee seems to just perform and execute but nothing gets registered. No block or anything


Hopefully man! I’ve informed them of the issue, might be helpful if we all submit a ticket too, just to make them aware it’s affecting multiple users :pray:


Submitting now.

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Do you perform likes with EB?
Does your dashboard summary say anything unusual?

Check your follow tool timers - ours are stuck from about 7 hours ago. The timer says 8:56AM but its 12:06PM here now.


It’s happening to mine as well. 0 action performed!


Mine too!
Please search in your Dashboard Summary for the word “timeout”.
Let me know if it is full of like timeouts.


Looks like anything EB is being affected? No follows/likes/unfollows are being done today on every account we have. DMs are being sent though (which I assume are API)