Not performing follows today

Like via EB are returning error 102. So it does seem to be an issue with performing actions via EB. Story views are API and they’re working fine…

Yuuup a bunch of timeouts in summary:

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Okay definitely a global issue then.

For everyone that uses EB can you open the browse button and look what happens when you start the unfollow tool.
Maybe you can confirm that the account opens a profile it wants to unfollow, then it clicks on unfollow but stops here:

If you click it manually it works.
Also like and follow work manually with EB.
That tells me that it is not Instagram blocking us completely with EB. Maybe they changed the call code to click the button. I’ll send a message to JV support.


As i said before i had the same issue with EB unfollow tool. Just clear cookies and turn actions on this account in jv for about 24 h

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it could just be something simple like instagram moved where something is so the EB actions are missing the buttons etc.

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Clearing cookies does not help for us here.
Because actions work when we do it manually with EB also.

Problems started on every account that runs EB between 3:15 and 3:30 pm CET today.

@Redis you search your Dashboard Summary for “timeout” and see if you have none?

Yes @joshdeor they could have change the Source Code, then it is an easy fix.


Hello, I have the same problem also.

But did anyone notice that follow actions are still done? I have many clients who I know are not following manually. But f.e. if in my follow tools is written that I have followed ±300 people, in the statistics it is shown that account have ±1000 more followings than in the beginning. And that’s happening for ALL THE ACCOUNTS, they are all with ±500-1200 plus followings than I followed. That’s scary. Also, unfollow tool doesn’t work so I can’t delete them. I treid to do it manually, but it seems unfollowings doesn’t count. I have unfollowed ±70 accounts, but the number dropped by ±20.

For me Unfollow doesnt work but its not a block. I am using API only. It affects DC and 4G too. I can do it manuall via EB.

It’s happening to mine as well:disappointed_relieved:

Looks like an update came out? Everything auto rebooted.

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Also have this issue, I’m sure this is nothing big and will be resolved soon. The 24 hour~ rest will probably even benefit your accounts :joy:

Still a loss of actions though. I was running hot

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Where do you see an update? I am seeing as still the most current (from Aug 8)

Yours fixed after the update?

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Did you receive a Jarvee update today?
None of my accounts can follow or unfollow

I am not receiving any timeout error messages.
I am unable to follow or unfollow.
I am exclusively using EB with 4g mobile proxies
Every single day, there is a new issue.

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I’m getting a bunch of “Timeout code 168” errors. Is everyone getting the same thing on their dashboard?


I am not receiving any error messages at all.
I am just unable to follow or unfollow.

Please let us know what JV says.
I can never get an intelligent answer from their support team.
Maybe you have a connection there?

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Same here. No actions being performed