Not performing follows today

Not getting any errors or timeouts it seems but just actions being performed in the summary although it stays at 0

Yep, same here no errors.
But it is still not following anyone, just stuck in searching. No resource error either

Pretty brutal after having a flawless week :tired_face:

Hahaha for sure!
I thought I could drink a glass of whisky tonight to celebrate a good week.

I guess, not


Just sat down to watch the chelsea and Man U game… guess not.

I’m having a ton of issues right now. Starting to think this is really the end. So many accounts compromised and then 7 day blocks plus J is barely working. Really not sure what to do other than cancel everyone’s accounts.

Relax… Mines doing fine. All actions. Some accounts blocked but that’s normal. It’s probably just a certain location since I’m in South West UK. :blush:


Are you talking about EB or API? I’m in Europe and also affected. Didnt check all accounts as i was too lazy and called it a night after the bug @A_J

It’s def harder these days so lot of people will give up. It’s up to you to keep going. Fact that many are still doing just fine means it’s not over, just that you havent adapted or adjusted to it… :blush: decide for yourself. AC’s happen, 7 day blocks too,… Make backup and i mean it like i said it. MAKE backup

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Either the actions are being made but it is not getting logged our AJ is a god

Seems to be working again :slight_smile:

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I’m using ‘use EB when action blocked’ it’s just not working anywhere near consistently anymore and the 7 day blocks are enough for a good majority of clients to cancel.

What’s working exactly?

The api is toast. Why is it so hard for people to understand. Only 4g handles api better but still with too much blocks

Edit: EB when blocked doesnt seem ideal. Not only do you lose time and actions. You might also trigger IG blocks overall


Thanks for the update.
Just checked and some of my accounts are working again too

@Actor_Contact So when was the update released in J or is it just on IG end?

Seems important to know since i restart at midnight only

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Very little is working. Maybe I’m just a conspiracy nut but sometimes when people post they are having no issues I think that’s just the program developer themselves trying to soften the damage.

I’m not botter or programmer whatsoever. I managed to get most of my 260+ accs running. If i can then you too…


Are you using god settings?

I am not sure, Jarvee just begin processing the actions again without any reason.