Not performing follows today

Nice to see some people’s softwares are working, maybe a sign of hope. Can’t figure it out myself unfortunately atm, have even switched some accounts to follow specific users which only seems to work off and on at best. So many accounts still blocked that weren’t a few days ago and so many accounts which have not been able to follow for weeks now.

No i use what seems to be working for me. No joke. Randomization is key here! Ig detects same patterns! Reread wvat i just said. Think about it for an hour with J in front of you and adjust. See magic happen

They have always been processing on my end. Just no actually actions going up in the tools bar


For me all day today JV was not processing the actions.
Now JV is processing the actions and the actions are going up in the tools bar.
I am not sure why nothing was working today, but it seems to be back on track now

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I’ll update it anyways just in case. I was going so hard and then boom another bug. I remember back in the day almost fainting when i saw 10 pv’s at once. I’ve gotten so numb and just keep grinding :joy:


I can comfirm that actions are being done. I’ll have to wait mid day to say if anything stays at zero in the blue

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Lot of stress here my friends. Couple things to remember:

  1. the strength of our community is still intact and every curveball that has come has been solved for the most part. Still many people are running relatively smoothly. Slow settings. Mobile proxies. Don’t go crazy.

  2. it’s Sunday in the US. PROBABLY not a big IG update to screw with us because their developers are off for the weekend. It could be server issues or a small change like people said about Jarvee and the button.

Have a glass of wine, watch some soccer/baseball/porn/the-new-Quentin-Tarantino-movie and chillax.

Keep pressing on…

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Even DC and non slow settings work still on my end. Just have to figure it out and adapt. And realise someone else’s settings are just an example and will almost never work for you.

Do you guys still use the mute option on client accounts?

Cant help you with that. Only slaves here

No god-like settings, using 4g and dc proxies, 0/xxx actions when I woke up.
Delete cookies, turned all on, all running again
EB only. 4g running smoother than DC - DC has temp blocks
But all is running again.

only 1 account on DC - action blocked on unfollow with EB

Do you use ‘use only EB to follow’ box?

Also works again for us since 2:50am CET :+1:t3:

Can confirm, everything is working again without issue, on my end.
Have a great day guys!

Thanks Sir, but your account can do all action? like follow unfollow…

The unfollow is not running yet, as I’ve not reached the daily follow limits.
So I can’t say with certainty but everything else is running fine.

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Thank you so much for your information :slight_smile:

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All seems to be working again! Did notice a few weird Unfollow blocks with the error “*action block” but after restarting the tool, it looks good. :pray: Appreciate everyone’s feedback!

Still not working at all for me. 0 follows in past 24 hrs. Err 168 still.

I had to give my Jarvee a restart before everything got back underway, maybe worth giving it a go!