Pinterest Accounts Viral Growth

I want Pinterest accounts with 500K-1M plus views.

Any recommendations?

I’m also interested.

Why don’t you grow Pinterest Account by yourself? I think it is very easy.

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Is it easy? I’ll pay for help @jas


a lot of re pins :slight_smile:
a bit of follow unfollow
and you can do that :slight_smile:


Awesome awesome growth! I am so new I’m just trying to learn the basics. But have lots of time to put in to grow it.

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Interested too

It’s still in a state where posting multiple times a day seems to be enough to get more views.

Plus, use tools like Tailwind and its tribes to share and get shared.

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Pm me i can help you :slight_smile:

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check inbox…

Thank You

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lol I thought if you are here you will not be using Tailwind. JV/MP is much better tool for Pinterest though there is risk of ban if too aggressive.


If you want to grow your Pinterest account then you can do some thing like

  1. Insert business related image
  2. The quality of the image should be good and should be informative.
  3. Follow relative boards
  4. Create multiple boards
  5. Share your PIN on other social media platforms
  6. Try to increase followers on your profile.
  7. Make your profile attractive

it is so easy to do on your own. I got lazy and I got it to 200K views in 1 month. Just a lot of re-pins and follow/unfollow.

The # is useless to me though. The key number is organic clicks to my own pins.

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Just been offered an account with 100K followers.

One of the good things about Pinterest is the analytics, i would ask to see them.


Impressive results Adi!!