Pinterest Descriptions

Just received this in my email (I am a Tailwind subscriber) and wasn’t sure if others can get to it from their blog:

It is a great article about how to write descriptions and when to use Hashtags in Pinterest.

Since it is from the Tailwind group (only Pinterest approved app), my guess is that the info is vetted pretty well by the Pinterest people.

My experience is that lately, I have seen better results from pins without #, than I have in the past. I also notice that some of the larger groups I follow, also are getting rid of most of their #'s.

My biggest advice I can give is this: find a Pinner that is large and is in the same niche and do what they do. If they have 12 boards, you have 12 boards that are similar. If they post 20 times a day, you post 20 times a day. Follow and post their followers stuff on your boards. Comment on their boards. Pinterest isn’t fast, but it is pretty easy.

Hope this helps !


Pinterest is very underrated.

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Yes, yes it is… @Szr

Thanks for sharing. I just recently partnered up with someone to run a dropshipping store and majority of the traffic is from Pinterest.

I hope I could pick your brain sometime once I focus on extracting more traffic from the platform. :slight_smile:

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Im just getting into pinterest and this was very helpful. Thanks!