Pinterest is getting ridiculous

This time only some of my accounts lost followers, whereby others gained more than usually…

What the heck is Pinterest doing? Anyone else experienced a follower drop…again?

In addition to that, MP is showing me wrong data again. The statistics show me that I didn’t followed anyone yesterday and today, whereby the results in the FOLLOW-Tool show me how many people I really followed. I will submit ticket…

Another think which could be interesting: All of my accounts which have more than 15 Boards, except one, didn’t lose followers.

Do you see any similar correlations?

Yes! Same here!
Another drop on some accounts only!
You have a really nice follow ratio.
How old are your accounts?

My follow-back-ratio is shit :sweat_smile: Far under 10%.

I unfollowed users with some of my accounts so it may seem like I have a good follow-back-ratio.

Some of my accounts are 3 months old, some other 6, but I don’t think that’s relevant. Pinterest is not very strict, so you only need to warm your accounts up for 2 weeks and there you go!