Pinterest tool that change the url of repins automaticly

hello guys , i am new to this forum , i’ve been into pinterest marketing for couple months and so far the traffic is not bad for one account ( i work manualy) i want to scale my traffic, and i have an idead because i saw a lot of my populars pins with differents urls that don’t belong to my website i checked the profiles and it seems like an empire of bots .
please if anyone know what kind of tools or bot do this options change the URL of repins …???
kind regards

I would also love to be able to change the source URL. That would be amazing.

Pinterest removed that option.

All you can do is scrape pin and post it as your own with new URL. You can’t change pin’s source URL.


when you scrape the pin , it will get rich pin and description ,and the engagement score of the original ?

No, it won’t… it’s like brand new pin.

please can you recommend me a tool that can automate htis process , scrape hundres of pins and put my url ?

PM me and I’ll give you a good tool that I use.

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I can, PM me :slight_smile:

That tool is :slight_smile:

hello which tool do you use ?

@Buci & @zouhairlab

PM me.

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which tool do you use ? :slight_smile:

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You can not do it manually but Pinterest UI gave this facilities to change after you repines. Social Multiplier, MassPlanner and pinblaster will replace the target URL during their repines operations. I believe what they actually do is post the image as a new pin using the source URL. But using the source URL for the original pin brings along all the rich pin data and citation to the original source, and still lets you set your own target URL for the image itself.

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Hey Adnan. I’m curious, you still have the tool that can scrape pins and replace the source URL? If so, I’d like to get it. Thanks!

Hi @Adnan, I’m doing pinterest scraping and pinning manually wich takes so much time as a student Can you please pm me with the tool that you use for repining and replacing the source url
thanks man !!