Program that downloads photo's/videos from IG with caption?

Searched for this type of program but didn’t find anything…

I am searching for a program that downloads instagram photo’s/videos with caption.

Not 1 at a time but in bulk.

If someone can point me out to a program that does it, it would be much appreciated.

Check out this thread, there are some suggestions, but not sure if these options download the caption too:

They don’t download caption.

Thank you anyway for the answer, much appreciated.

I’m using wp automatic to scrape from IG. Hope that helps.

It doesn’t scrape caption

I use my own program to do that

4kstogram you can download a whole feed and the comment is in the comment section of the file info.

Depending on what you want to use it for, you can also use an RSS reader like Feedly and then create RSS bridges for individual IG accounts (it sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t, a bit random to be honest). This won’t scrape backwards (only the last 10 posts I think) but a good tool for going forward. Simple subscription costs I think $7/month and it’s useful because you can use that to sort and repost to Instagram through a service like Buffer or Hootsuite.